Neuron Mobility will operate e-scooters throughout the Bundaberg Region for a further 12 months after Bundaberg Regional Council approved an extension of its permit.
The presence of the commercial e-scooters for hire were found to have many economic and social benefits for the region.
This included assisting people to commute to work, shopping, appointments, visit friends, discover tourist attractions and simply enjoy the outdoors.
Direct economic benefits included Neuron Mobility’s employment of 18 staff to service the scooters.
Neuron Mobility operates 325 e-scooters in defined areas of Bundaberg, Bargara and Burnett Heads.
In making the decision to extend the approval, Council also considered the results of a survey which saw more than 2000 residents and visitors respond.
Sport and Recreation portfolio spokesperson Cr Vince Habermann said the survey revealed 64 per cent of respondents wanted the service to continue.
“We understand that there is a high level of community interest in the continuation of commercial e-scooters for hire,” Cr Habermann said.
“This was reflected in the level of participation on this survey which provided an opportunity for residents to voice their concerns in addition to some interesting insights into how e-scooters have positively impacted many residents.
“For instance, according to respondents more than 100 people rely on the e-scooters for daily travel while a further 186 people use them weekly”
“While most people use the e-scooters to enjoy the outdoors, 215 respondents said they used the e-scooters to travel to work and 181 used them to travel to or from appointments.
“In addition to this use by residents, the survey revealed benefits for tourism with 285 people using e-scooters to travel to a tourist attraction.”
Of the total respondents, 1383 people – or 64.2 per cent – said they wanted e-scooters for hire to remain available in the region, while 28.2 per cent said they did not and 7.6 per cent remained unsure.
The top concerns raised by survey respondents were rider behaviour, user safety and impacts on access and mobility to other members of the community.
“By approving a 12-month permit extension this allows Council to gain further understanding of the impacts of the proposed Queensland Government reforms on the concerns raised before a long-term decision is made.
“Throughout this extension period we will also further investigate formalised e-scooter parking locations within the CBD as well as other initiatives to improve safety and accessibility within the CBD precinct.”
According to Neuron over 300,000 trips have taken place since launching in April 2021 with close to 800,000 km travelled.
I had the displeasure of trying to help a young lady who, while crossing Barolin Street from Southside Shopping Centre on a hire e-scooter, fell face down as she exited the crossing. I needed to leave my car at the lights and hurry to assist this young lady who had bad facial injuries.
These e-scooters are unstable and potentially life threatening if a rider falls at speed as demonstrated by this unfortunate young lady.
I do not want my property rates defending the Bundaberg Regional Council in the event of a personal damages suit on the occasion that persons, rider or pedestrian, are injured or worse.
You can add Fast food delivery to the list of benefits. I have seen a few people using these scooters to deliver food for fast food & takeaway places.
To think they saw this level of activity while the border was shut for around half of the time period it could be going up substantially in the later months.
Possibly a indication of the need for more public transport options. Maybe a Light rail or tram service?
Re: Arthur
These have insurance arranged by the company as it is a third party company. All forms of transport have risk but many don’t have insurance of any kind Bikes, Skateboards, Roller blades, rider owned scooters ect the council dose not pay for injury for these travel options. Ofcourse there are a few idiots that are doing things like ollies & wheelies on them & riding them through lights without stopping those people likely won’t get payed if injured at all & should be fined.
Many of these options that don’t have insurance can even travel considerably faster then the Nueron Scooters current reported top speed of 25km/h that they are reducing following earlier trails to 12km/h. It’s interesting that I could rid a bike at 40KM/h+ but the scooters need to be reduced to 12km/h.
Want to know a better way to get around? Running, Jogging or power walking it’s free & reasonably fast for short distances you also get exercise at the same time. If you all used this means of transport as much as possible we wouldn’t need as much road maintenance, parking or public transport. It would also be great for your health, fitness & the environment.
Using scooters as transport is odd as they have little ability to carry anything. The average travel for Neuron scooters in Bundaberg (3.8KM) isn’t very far you could have easily jogged that distance.
These e-scooters require a safety interlocking system which would reduce and restrict rider reckless behavior as follows:
1) foot sensors front and rear so the operator requires to activate each sensor with feet front and rear
2) helmet sensors which are activated by the head crown and the strap clasped shut.
3) Maximum speed reduced to 15 kph.
The four (4) sensors with act in series so that if any one of the sensors are not activated then the e-scooter will be immobilized.
I read the old crock that all modes of transport have risks! Well this is an emerging mode that the Bundaberg Regional Council views as a cash cow, so the time is now to reduce the risk involved and the hospitalizations for rider or pedestrian, in this new mode of transport