Bundaberg Region residents are being encouraged to nominate a person, community group or an event for the prestigious 2023 Australia Day Awards.
The annual ceremony is held every year on Australia Day and recognises the actions and abilities of groups and individuals that have enhanced the social connectivity of the community.
Bundaberg Region Mayor Jack Dempsey said nominations were now open for the upcoming 2023 awards with locals encouraged to highlight a deserving individual or group.
“Whether it is your neighbour who has been volunteering their time for many decades , someone who goes out of the way to clean up the region, a local sport star doing us proud on the international stage or even an event that showcases great community spirit,” he said.
“These awards are all about recognising the great people and events shaping our region.”
Nominations for the following categories will be taken until Friday 2 December 2022.
Nominations for the following categories will be taken until Friday 2 December 2022.
Citizen of the Year Award
Recognising an inspirational role model who displays ongoing excellence while demonstrating leadership and involvement in outcomes that contribute to the furthering of the Bundaberg Region.
Young Citizen of the Year Award
Nominee must be 25 years of age or younger on January 26, 2023.
Recognising outstanding achievement by a young resident who displays ongoing excellence while demonstrating leadership and involvement in outcomes that contribute to the furthering of the Bundaberg Region.
Senior Citizen of the Year Award
Nominee must be 65 years of age or older on January 26, 2023.
Recognising the vital role our seniors continue to play in contributing to the broader community through their involvement, commitment and knowledge sharing.
Community Group or Event of the Year Award
Nominated initiatives must have been held in the Bundaberg Region during the preceding 12 months (November to November)
Across the Bundaberg Region groups and individuals organise and present exceptional events.
This award recognised the most outstanding community event of the year.
Nominations will be reviewed by a selection panel before the awards are presented at the 2023 Australia Day Awards ceremony.
How to nominate
You can complete the online form here or download a PDF form for individuals here or a community group/event here.
Supporting documentation that you feel will assist the judges in making their final decision may also be provided with your nomination form.
You can request a nomination form be emailed to you at australiadayawards@bundaberg.qld.gov.au or head to any Council Service Centre.