Bundaberg Regional Council will be performing gravel re-sheeting at Stanton-Cook Street, Burnett Heads, with work commencing late January.
The work will be undertaken on weekdays during the hours of 6 am and 5 pm.
Weather permitting, work will be completed within one week.
During construction, sections of the roads will be subject to traffic management measures and will have the appropriate signage to guide motorists.
The Site Supervisor will liaise with directly affected residents to facilitate property access during construction, while also discussing where to place wheelie bins prior to the day of collection if construction works conflict with your refuse collection.
Bundaberg Regional Council is aware of the inconvenience construction work causes and thanks residents and road users in advance for their patience and co-operation.
If you have concerns in relation to the upgrade works, please email the Civil Works Team at: civilworks@bundaberg.qld.gov.au
During construction, please direct any site enquiries to Council’s Civil Works Team as per the contact information.
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