The draft Bundaberg Region Public Art Masterplan is now available to the community to provide feedback.
The masterplan applies to any artwork on Council-owned land or venues that is being entered into the public art collection.
The plan outlines the definitions and categories of public art and why having a masterplan in place is important.
Its vision is that “public art will showcase the Bundaberg Region’s unique identity and history through a diversity of artforms, improved aesthetics, connections to the environment and culture, aligned with future aspirations”.
The mission of the draft public art masterplan states “Bundaberg Regional Council will
reflect our region’s unique identity through the development and management of a public art
program, creating rich experiences for our community and its visitors”.
The Bundaberg Region Public Art Masterplan incorporates the application and decision-making process for new works to be added to the public art collection.
The five key strategies it identifies to implement and manage public art include:
- Public art that reflects the region’s identity
- Cultivation of public art opportunities
- Professional curation of public art in the region
- Authentically and ethically engage communities in public art
- Resourcing the implementation of the public art masterplan
Bundaberg Regional Council Arts, Culture and Events portfolio spokesperson Cr John Learmonth said the community was now invited to review the draft public art masterplan and provide its feedback.
“Council has consulted with the community every step of the way throughout the development of this masterplan,” Cr Learmonth said.
“Residents have told us that they see the value in public art and have helped us to identify the themes which are important to our community.
“This draft plan is a further opportunity to provide your feedback on the final document that will be presented to Council for adoption.”
When adopted, he said the masterplan would guide the region’s public art collection.
View the draft Bundaberg Region Public Art Masterplan and provide feedback on the project page.
Paper copies of the draft masterplan and survey are available by contacting Council on 1300 883 699 or by emailing engagement@bundaberg.qld.gov.au.
Could we have some information on the consultation process up to now please?