Throughout June Bundaberg Regional Council completed several upgrades and road projects in the region including at the Avoca/Duffy Street intersection and Dunn Street/Hussey Road pedestrian refuge.
Other projects including the Bundaberg South State School pedestrian refuge upgrade and Hummock Road upgrade are progressing with work expected to be completed by the end of the month.
Mayor Jack Dempsey said the ongoing work was part of Council’s commitment to improving connectivity and providing safer routes for residents and visitors.
“Council understands the importance of having a connected community and this is why we’ve committed $3 million to pathways investment in Council’s 2023-24 budget,” he said.
“We have a strong focus on improving road infrastructure around the Bundaberg Region.
“This financial year will see Council inject more than $33 million into road projects with plans to allocate close to $3.8 million to drainage projects in the same period.”
Mayor Dempsey said the significant investments in pathways, road development and drainage would improve the community’s infrastructure and promote a safer and more sustainable living environment.
June roads and drainage summary
A range of other minor and maintenance works were also completed, including:
Drain spraying program:
- Foster Drive
- Batchlers Road
- One Mile Road
- Buss Street
- Pitt Street
- McCavanagh Street
- Birthamba Road
- Hughes Road
- Walker Street
- Black Street
- Barolin Street
- Milton Street
- Finucane Street
- Branyan Street to Targo Street
- Campbell Street to Ore Street
- Mariners Way
Drain cleaning
- Davidson Street
- McCavanagh Street
- Duffy Street
Footpath / driveway
- Jealous Road – Repair footpath
- Mulgrave Street – New footpath
- Takalvan Street – Extended driveway at Salters Oval
- Roadside spraying program
- Mittelheusers Road
- Ashfield Road
- Hummock Road
- Cattermull Avenue
- Carl Rehbein Road
- Hummock Road
- Windermere Road
- Wallace Road
- Zinks Road
- Chards Road
- Wearings Road
Maintenance patching
- RMPC roads
- Local roads patching repairs and other services within council
- Asphalt works for civil works
Asphalt repairs
- Paving repairs CBD
Pipe and pit repairs
- Avokahville Avenue
- Branyan Street
- Perry Street – completed pipe and pit replacement
Grading works completed
- Phillips Road
- Dorrian Road
- Haylocks Road
- Cherry Creek Road
- Weir Road
Childers Area Maintenance
- Esplanade, Woodgate Footpath repairs
- Booyal – Ringwood Road, Edwards Road, Scotts Road, Stallans Road, Railway Road
- Doolbi – Goodwins Road
- Duingal – Loeskows Road
- Eureka – Eureka Station Road, Pickering Road, Gigoom Road, Buckholz Road, Guppys Road, Tomlins Road
- Horton – Bootharh Road
- Isis Central – Dingo Creek Road, Barkles Road, Woco Creek Road
- Redridge – Coach Road, Sims Road
Childers Area Construction
- Birthamba Road Black Spot Program
- Station Road, Horton Culvert replacement
Gin Gin
Gin Gin Area Maintenance
- Gin Gin Ambulance footpath repair
- Duckpond Road road realignment
Road grading Gin Gin and Surrounds
- Avondale Flagstone Road
- Bucca Reads Road
- Good Night Booyal Crossing Road, Camp Paddock Road, Gumflat Road, Iron Bark Road, Lagoons Road and Nielsons Road
- Horse Camp Kirkwood Road, Sues Road
- Moolboolaman Duckpond Road, Grass Tree Road, Moolboolaman Road
- Monduran Croziers Road, Diamond Hill Road, Mailmans Road
- Morganville Eddingtons Road, Goodnight Scrub Road, Holzheimer Road
- New Moonta Goyan Road, Hays Road, Killers Road, Muncktons Road, Nellers Road, Reedy Road
- Skyring Reserve Engstroms Road
- Tirroan Kitchings Road, Watawa Road
- Wallaville Ferry Hills Road
- Yandaran Monduran Road
Gin Gin Area Construction
- Tindels Road Culvert replacement
Bridge works
The bridge crew has been working on Perry River Bridge at Morganville. This work was required due to the bridge being inundated by floodwater several times in the past few years. This work is in its final week.
Work undertaken includes:
- Replacement of 80 lineal metres of spiker plank throughout the entire bridge.
- Replacement of 40 lineal metres of kerb.
- Replacement of bolts and tightening of the whole structure.
- Replacement of 6 timber guide posts on the side of the bridge.
- Replacement of Girder 5 Span 4 as it had been affected by moisture and was starting to rot.
- Fitted anti splitting bolts to Corbels.
- Other news: May roads and drainage wrap
wharf street at Buxton needs to be sorted out for the public purposes.