Check out the latest bowls results and news from on the greens of clubs right around the Bundaberg Region.
Bundaberg Bowls Results
Winners Tuesday 24 August Samson Green: B Jones S Wild A Schumer Runners. Up 1: V Green G Stewart G Mallett.
Runner up 2: S bury S Hucker A Joff. Sports Persons: B Hearn R Hoiberg L Mason.
Foundation Green Winners: G Job V Schmidt B Brow.n Runner Up 1: H Mosley Peter M W Walliss.
Second Runner Up: S Sparke H Schmidt C Marcinkus. Sports Persons: J Kemp G Pope W Seawright.
Thursday 31 September Winners: K Innes B Brown A Edgerton. Sports Persons: J Caesar D Harding P Lowell.
Selectors Tuesday 5 September: J Scougall A Salau. Thursday 7 September: G Mallett A Salau. Saturday 9 September: R Ribbans.
Tuesday 4 September Sponsored Day Rudy`s pest control & Carpet Cleaning.
Thursday 6 September Social 1 pm.
Saturday 8 September. Social 1 pm.
Bargara Bowls Results
Monday 28 August – Turkey Pairs – Winners R. Murdaca & S. Jardine; runners up C. Bridges & B. McDermott. Winners of 1st Game K. & G. Gallagher; runners up B. Munis & D. Handley. Winners of 2nd Game B. Hearn & D. Harrison; runners up M. Kernick & D. Brady. Encouragement Award D. Hart & J. Grills.
Tuesday 29 August – Ladies Pennants – Div 2 Bargara d Elliott Heads; Div 3 Bargara drew with A.T.W. Return Games Thurs Div 2 Bargara d Elliott Heads at Elliott Heads and Friday Div 3 Bargara d A.T.W at A.T.W. Bargara Ladies Social Bowls Winners T. Heath, M. Stauffer, T. Chippendale & J. Nowell; runners up W. Collins, P. Kohn, C. McNielly & K. Almond; Sportsman’s K. Davern, J. Lim, G. Roberts & J. McInally.
Wednesday 30 August – Turkey Pairs – Winners T. U’Brihien & G. Ratcliffe; runners up B. & S. Burgess. Winners of First Game R. Davis & J. Barnes; runners up T. Fauser & D. Brady. Winners of Second Game P. Kucharskim & M. Troughton; runners up R. Murdaca & B. McCarthy.
Thursday 31 August – Men’s Triples – Winners T. Teare, P. Sexton & B. McDermott; M. Attwood, Alex Baigrie & B. Frost; R. Price & A. Poke; C. Groszmann, S. Burnell-Jones & J. Reitzenstein. Sportsman’s G. Cahill, T. Chapman & B. Dilg; L. McCarthy, M. Kernick & B. Payne; F. Plant, N. McNamara & B. Dunn; R. Pershouse & R. Pershouse.
Saturday 2 September – Men’s Pennant Results Prelim Finals Div 1. Burnett d Woodgate; Div 2. A.T.W. d Bundaberg; Div 3. Burnett d Isis; Round 6. Div 4. Bargara drew with Bundaberg, 40 all and 1 rink each; Div 5. Bargara d Elliott Heads.
Sunday 3 September – Semi-Final Mixed Fours – S. Davies, B. Heness, B. O’Neil & D. Franklin d K. Gallagher, H. Stewart, C. Gallagher & G. Gallagher in a very close Game that went down to the last Bowl.
Coming Events
Monday Turkey Pairs – Open (Ladies, Men or Mixed) Pairs. Two games of 11 ends. 12.30 pm Start.
Tuesday – Ladies’ Pennants Div 2 Bargara v Bundaberg and Div 3 Bargara v Brothers 9 am Start. Ladies Social Bowls 12.30pm Start .
Wednesday – Turkey Pairs – Open (Ladies, Men or Mixed) Pairs. Two games of 11 ends. 12.30 pm Start.
Thursday – Men’s Triples 12.30 pm Start. Nominations “B” Singles Open.
Saturday – Men’s Pennants Grand Finals at Woodgate – Div 1. Bargara v Burnett; Div 2. Bargara v A.T.W.; Div 3. Bargara v Burnett; Div 4. Bargara v Burnett; Div 5. Bargara v A.T.W. Jack Attack Open Pairs 4 games of 5 ends. 1.30pm Start.
Sunday – “A” & “B” Pairs Round 1. 12.30 pm Start.
Across the Waves Bowls Results
Wednesday 30th August – Winners – L.Robinson & S.Jardine
1st Runners-Up – N.Somerfield & A.Schumer
2nd Runners-Up – J.Jardine & W.Murphy
Sportsmen – J.Jacobson & B.Frost
Friday 1st September – Winners – B.Gelhaar & B.Koorneef
1st Runners-Up – C.Somerfield & T.Van Leeuwen
Sportsmen – P.Marcon & J.Wakefield
Saturday 2nd September – Winners – K.Zunker & L.Bertolla
Coming Events
$800 MONEY DAY Thursday 7 September sponsored by Alliance Pharmacy & Christensen Industries – Phone Brian on 0435 559 249 or Lyn on 0402 302 091 by Tuesday 5 September to get your triples team in.
$4500 MIXED TRIPLES GALA DAY Saturday 16 September – Limited spaces available. Phone Lyn Murphy on 0402 302 091 for details.
COACH TRIP TO MONTO Saturday 23 September – Put your name on the list soon if you intend going – $50 for the day – includes coach, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and games of bowls. See Keith Jobling for further details.
Woodgate Bowls Results
Tuesday 29 August –
Ladies Day: our Ladies played Pennant at Moore Park, winning both games.
Winning Rink Draw. Rink 6: Robyn, Gai, Gloria
Pennant team: Karen Henderson, Jacquie Rogerson, Rhonda Byrnes, Gail Lenz, Judy, Stanley, Lesley Christensen, Robyn Bishop, Doreen Ensby
Gail’s team won by four points and Doreen’s by five!
Wednesday 30 August –
Mens Day Winning Rink Draw. Rink 13: Garry Willoughby, Ernie Soesman, Ian Kirby
Runners Up. Rink 7: Carl Arnold, George Weir, Ray Douglass
Encouragement. Rink 5: Dean Kulbars, Trevor Christensen, Oyster Dowling
Thursday 31 August –
Billy’s Day, paddle pop triples with another game of Ladies Pennant played on our home green this time.
Ladies Pennant: A good win overall to Woodgate played in near perfect conditions.
Team Doreen: Doreen Ensby, Robyn Bishop, Lesley Christensen, Judy Stanley
Team Gail: Karen Henderson, Jacquie Rogerson, Rhonda Byrnes, Gail Lenz
Team Doreen had a convincing win 27/9, Team Gail had a loss 20/15 to give the Woodgate an overall win for the day.
Social triples: Lots of fun out on the green with our social bowlers.
Winning Rink Draw. Rink 4: Gary Willoughby, Trevor Christo, Dave Mollison
Encouragement. Rink 4: Robyn Smith, Rob Coffee, Donna Smith
Sunday 3 August –
Fathers Day: Run by the Ladies to give a fun day out for all the Fathers, or anyone who is/has/had a Father plus all of us who support them!
Paddle pop draw. Winning Rink Draw. Rink 15: Lesley Christensen, Donna Smith, Col Lowe
First Runners Up. Rink 13: Dennis Smith, Tiger Feltham, Dave Mollison
Second Runners Up. Rink 11: Ken Duthie, Robbo, Gail Lenz
Encouragement. Rink 5: Gai Feltham, Paul Rogerson, Ian Kirby
Bowls Burnett Men
Social Bowls Results
Tuesday: Winners – Ann Borman, Maurie Borman 1st Runner Up Tracey and Peter Wendt. Sportspeople: Steve Coleman, Geoff Gill
Wednesday: N/R
Thursday Afternoon: N/R
Thursday Night Barefoot Bowls: Winners: Brian, Carol and Alf
Pick the Joker was won.
Normal Thursday night bowls will continue next week with the ‘Pick the Joker’ Jackpot starting at $16 +.
Friday: Winners: B Whalley, D Austin 1st RU: K Melham, Speedy Stephens
2nd RU: J Martin, Yogi Best
Sportspeople: D Stanton Cook, K Whalley
Jackpot next week $130
Saturday Social: N/R
Pennant Results : Final round home and away games
Div 1 Burnett Woodgate 40
Div 3 Burnett 67 Isis 44
Div 4 Burnett 35 Woodgate 32
All finals to be played at Woodgate this coming Saturday
All members are asked to check the draws and continue to arranged games by mutual agreement.
Social Bowls Results
Visitors are most welcome on all playing days. Entry sheets are at the club or phone the Club on 41514217 during opening hours. If you cannot get through to the club number regarding bowls, then phone 0401341378 or 0466539441.
Tuesday: Open Pairs – Men’s, Ladies, Mixed. Names in by 12 pm, green fees paid by
12.45 pm for a 1 pm start.
Tuesday Sept 12th will be $300 Triples for the month of Sept only.
Wednesday: ‘Scroungers’ Singles – this is a fun game of Singles similar to consistency singles where points are allocated to the 4 closest bowls to the jack. Games are played over 12 ends with no driving allowed. Names in by 6.15 pm with games starting at 6.30pm. Green fees are $10 with 50 percent of the green fees being returned as prize money. All ability levels are welcome so come along for a fun night out.
Thursday: ‘Social Thursday’ Open Pairs (Men’s, Ladies, Mixed). Names in by 2.15 pm as games will commence at 2.30 pm. Play till 4.30 pm with 2 random lucky draws as prizes.
Thursday: Night Bowls – bowls start at 6.30pm, names in by 6pm. Bowl under lights and enjoy a fun filled night with a chance at the ‘Pick the Joker’ Jackpot which will be $164+ this week. Visitors and those that want to try bowls for the first time will be made to feel very welcome.
Friday: Open Pairs – Men’s, Ladies, Mixed. Names in by 12pm, green fees paid by 12.45 pm for a 1 pm start. The Friday Jackpot will be $90.
Saturday: Social play – Open Pairs (Men’s, Ladies, Juniors, Mixed). Names in by 12 pm, green fees paid by 12.45 pm for a 1 pm start.
Coming Events and Club News
Club opening hours are – Monday (Club closed), Tuesday 10 am – 5.30 pm, Wednesday 11 am – 9 pm, Thursday 2 pm – 9 pm, Friday 10 am – 9 pm, Saturday 10 am – 9 pm (1 0pm for Functions) Sunday Bowls Days 9 am – 2 pm.
The Goose Club raffle will be drawn on Friday night at 7pm. The Member’s Draw was not won last week and will now be $150, so come along, have a meal and a few drinks with the chance to win some great cash and prizes.
Live entertainment for this Friday night will be by “” BRADZ ROCK n RHYTHM” and the following Friday, live music will be delivered by” THE OTHER BLOKE” Members, Guests, and Visitors are always welcome.
Last week’s results: click here
Bowls results archive: here