School Chaplains in the Bundaberg Region have been given a helping hand after more than $14,000 was raised in support at this year’s Mayoral Chaplaincy Breakfast.
The Mayoral School Chaplaincy Breakfast, held in August, is an annual fundraiser and joint initiative of Bundaberg Regional Council and Scripture Union Queensland, which this year attracted over 400 guests.
Bundaberg Mayor Jack Dempsey said school chaplains played an integral role in nurturing a safe and inclusive environment in local schools.
“By instilling values of kindness and understanding through formative teenage years, our school chaplains are fostering an environment of acceptance and inclusivity, while promoting the sense of community and kindness the Bundaberg Region is known for,” Mayor Dempsey said.
“On behalf of all the Bundaberg Region, I want to say thank you to our school chappies.
“Their commitment to providing a sense of belonging and emotional well-being among the young people in our community is truly commendable.”
Scripture Union’s Bundaberg Field Development Manager Lisa Hardie said the funds donated were vital to enable school chaplains to continue providing a range of essential services to support students, staff and families.
“Money raised from the Mayoral School Chaplaincy Support breakfast will go towards meeting part of the $139,000 financial shortfall that exists in offering a chaplaincy service to each of our local state schools,” Lisa said.
“School chaplains offer a listening ear and emotional support to students.
“They provide confidential and non-judgemental pastoral care to help students navigate through challenges, make informed decisions and build resilience.
“Another vital service offered is practical in-class educational support assisting students requiring a little more attention or redirection depending on their circumstances.”
Lisa said the funds raised would also help support locals in a variety of services.
“Chaplains play an important role in connecting students, families, and the wider community through the organisation and coordination of community service projects, camps, workshops, events, or support programs that foster positive relationships and social connectedness,” she said.
“On behalf of SU Australia, the Bundaberg Local Chaplaincy Committee, and our local school chaplains we are so thankful for the ongoing support and partnership from the Bundaberg Regional Council through the annual Mayoral School Chaplaincy Support Breakfast.
“We would also like to express heartfelt thanks to all the sponsors and guests who attended.
“Together we can continue to make a positive difference in the lives of others.”