Local clubs and organisations looking to host a sporting event in the region can access a range of support from Bundaberg Regional Council.
Council’s Sport and Recreation team is on hand to assist with advice including tips on best practice organisation, potential funding opportunities and promotional channels available.
Council has a range of sport and recreation grant programs with funding available for community services, sport championships, young people in sport and equipment loans.
There are also links to external funding opportunities and access to nationwide funding via the free grant search database SmartySearch, available for use from the Council website here.
Clubs and organisations are also encouraged to make use of Council’s free promotional channels to let community members know about upcoming events and encourage higher attendance.
Event details can be listed for free on What’s On Bundaberg or shared by the Be Active Bundy Facebook page (terms and conditions apply).
For more information contact the Sport and Recreation team at sportandrec@bundaberg.qld.gov.au or visit the Council website.