Bargara Bowls Club
Monday Turkey Pairs:
Winners: J&V Reitzenstein, K&C Gallagher, L&A Adam
Won 1st: P Barker & B Gill, T Carroll & M Dillon
Won 2nd: T Fauser & B Heness , T Heath & P Sexton
Lost Both: L Roberson & M Smith, J & W Russell
Winners: L Rose & A Salmon, J & W Russell, B Alexander & H Stauffer & B McDermott
Sportsman: D Worner & J & A Jones, C & P Forsyth, M Attwood & D Harding
Winners: B Gill & S Williams & P Barker, J Allder & R Alder & C Watt, T Teare & K Bartholomew & B Ross
Sportsman: H John’s & M Attwood & A Grills, M Dillon & R Heness & T Carroll, J Matthews & T Fauser & D Irvins
Bargara 121 v Palm Lake 110
Championship Results
Club Triples Semi-Final: J Fehlberg, T Townson, C Fehlberg d R Monk, C Groszmann, A Adam
A & B Pairs: C Hippisley, P Sexton d V Sauer, H John’s; R Price,R Alder d L Moloney, C Watt; C Hippisley, P Sexton d J Chisholm, W Baxter; D Harding, G Gallagher d P Marshall, J See; Adam Baigrie, Jeff Russell d S Gray, J Nowell
B Singles
C Hippisley d B Payne; C Groszman d B Ross; B Kenny d J Cattermole; T Fauser d A Johnson; J Reitzenstein d M Attwood
Coming Events:
25th September: Wednesday evening 6pm District Pairs at ATW
Mixed Pairs Championship: Entries close Thursday 3 Oct. First round Sunday 13 Oct.
Woodgate Bowls
Tuesday 17.09.2024: Ladies Day
Only one winning rink draw: rink 10 a pairs game: Neyta Heugh and Gloria Newby
Wednesday 18.09.2024: Mens Day
Winning rink draw: rink 15: Graeme Ashcroft Ken Geaney Clinton Dowling
Runners Up: rink 13: Rob Jones Rob Royan Ian Kirby
Consolation: rink 13: Phil Nelson Gerry Turner Bruce Magilton
Thursday 19.09.2024: Oyster and Fee’s Day
Winning rink draw: rink 10. Tony Ian Goodhew Clinton Dowling Runners Up: 9: Judy Stanley Phil Gordon Nuttall
Saturday 21.09.2024: Self select pairs with a couple of Competition games.
Firstly the final of the Mens Open Triples:
A very tight game between our two top men’s triples teams, played in rain interrupted conditions, which of course changed the condition of the green!
The result was a close win 24/22 to team Cornish over team Byrnes.
Team Cornish: Stephen Cole Ian Goodhew Brian Cornish Team Byrnes: Robbie Royan Rowdy Taylor Robbie Byrnes Our next big game was the final of the Mens B grade final which resulted in a win to George Weir over Dean Kulbars
Winning rink draw: rink 15: Judy Stanley Wayne Stanley
Sunday 22.09.2024: Winning rink draw: rink 15: Gordon Ibbertson Rob Anderson Runners Up: rink 14: Jane Herd-Evans Ray Henderson
Burnett Bowls Club
Tuesday 17th September: Winners: Sue Barritt, Janelle Franks. Runners Up: Vince Rush, Kerry Melham. Sportsman: Alan Carney, Dave Carson.
Thursday Night 19th September: Winners: Robbie & Tim. The ‘Pick the Joker’ Jackpot was not won and will now be $554+ for next Thursday.
Friday 20th September: Winners: Brendan Whalley, Kyle Franks. Runners Up: Sue Busch, Peter Busch. Sportsman: Cal Toft, Wayne Watson, Ivan Grills.
Saturday 21st September: Winners: J Rousey, K Rousey. Sportsman: Carolyn Ellis, Dave Rye.
Sunday 22nd September: KENS KEPNOCK BUTCHERY sponsored day. Great to see two full greens of players enjoying social bowls on a Sunday afternoon. Winners: Marg Lucy, Vince Rush. Runners Up: Dick Shield, Greg Jackson. Sportsman: Manski, Kyle Franks. A HUGE thank you to Ken & Sue Barritt for their generous sponsorship of the day, as your support for the Club is greatly appreciated. Next time you are purchasing meat take the drive to Kens Kepnock Butchery on Kepnock Road and support our generous sponsors as they certainly support Burnett Bowls Club. Thanks everyone for such a great day.
Members are asked to check the Competition draws and arrange games by mutual agreement where possible. Competitions can now be played on a Sunday on QRI Bowls days. The next two QRI Sundays are Sunday 29th September & Sunday 6th October (Green will be cut & rolled if 3 or more games are played). If arranging a game, please let the GD know.Competition Results: A & B Pairs: Brendan Whalley, Kyle Franks def Shane Lankowski, Keegan Lankowski 23-11. Mixed Pairs: Julie Whalley, Keith Whalley def Carolyn Ellis, Dave Rye 26-10. B Grade Pairs: Glen Hayes, Greg Jackson def Josh Gott, Dave Carson 23-20.
Competition Call
Saturday 28th September: B Grade Fours: W Downey, J Gott, G Jackson, D Carson Vs G Manser, C Phillips, M Long, M Choquenot.
Play on or before Sunday 29th September 9.00am: Mixed Pairs: P Russell, C Russell Vs S Barritt, J Gott.
Play on or before Sunday 27th October 9.00am: Mixed Fours Semi-Finals: A Goldsworthy, J Mizzi, A Player, M Mizzi Vs T Rye, C Ellis, T Clark, D Carson, E Watson, J Gott, S Petterson, D Austin Vs K McLellan, S Russell, N McLellan, C Russell.
The official Competition Call is always on the Club Noticeboard, so please check the board whenever you are at the Club.
Any issues with the above Competition Call, please see the Games Director – Keith Whalley. Members, please try to arrange any other Competition games by mutual agreement.
Just a reminder that when you are playing in Club Competitions, you must be in full Club uniform which includes shorts/trousers.
Visitors are most welcome on all playing days. Entry sheets are at the club or phone the Club on 41514217 during opening hours. If you cannot get through to the club number regarding bowls, then please phone 0403531304.
Tuesday 24th September: $300 Open Triples – Men’s, Ladies, Mixed. Names in by 12pm, green fees paid by 12.30pm for a 1 pm start.
Wednesday 25th September: ‘Scroungers’ Singles – has been put on hold until further notice.
Thursday 26th September: Free Coaching/Practice Drills. Every Thursday commencing at 2.15pm there will be bowls drills/activities set up for anyone that wants to improve their game. The session is suited to all ability levels and is open to all Burnett members, visitors or members from other Clubs. One on one Coaching is also available upon request – see Keith Whalley. Everyone is welcome.
Thursday 26th September: Night Bowls – bowls start at 6.30pm, names in by 6pm. Bowl under lights and enjoy a fun filled night with a chance at the ‘Pick the Joker’ Jackpot which will be $554+ this week. Visitors and those that want to try bowls for the first time will be made to feel very welcome.
Friday 27th September: Open Pairs – Men’s, Ladies, Mixed. Names in by 12pm, green fees paid by 12.30pm for a 1 pm start.
Saturday 28th September: Open Pairs – Men’s, Ladies, Mixed. Names in by 12pm, green fees paid by 12.30pm for a 1pm start.
Tuesday 8th October – 50/50 Day – where 50 percent of the green fees for the day is returned as prize money.
Club opening hours: Monday (Club closed), Tuesday 10am – 5.30pm, Wednesday 11.00am – 9.30pm, Thursday 2.00pm – 9.30pm, Friday 10.00am – 9.30pm, Saturday 10.00am – 6pm (10pm for Functions) Sunday Bowls Days 9am – 2.00pm.
The Goose Club raffle will be drawn on Friday night 27th September at 7pm – Tickets are $1 each and can be purchased during the week from the Bar staff or on Friday night. There are 15 great prizes to be won – you need to be in it to win it! Proceeds from the raffle help to support your Club.
The Member’s Draw will also be held on Friday night 27th September and stands at $210, so come along, have a meal and a few drinks with the chance to win some great cash and prizes.
There will be live entertainment on Friday 27th September presented by Bradz Rock N Rhythm and the following Friday 4th October entertainment will be provided by ‘The Other Bloke’. Members, Guests, and Visitors are always welcome.
The Waves Bowls Club
Wednesday 18th September –
Winners – G.Hartigan & R.Machan
Runners-Up – B.Frawley & K.Frawley
Sportsmen – P. & B.Koorneef
Friday 20th September –
Winners – S.Bennett & A.Jones
NOMINATIONS for Ladies B Grade Singles are now open, closing and drawn Friday 27th September. First game to be played 4th October.
MONEY DAY Thursday 3rd October:
Phone Brian on 0435 559 249 or Lyn on 0402 302 091 by Tuesday 1st October to get your triples team in.
SOCIAL BOWLS are played Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 1pm. Put your name on the sheets in the clubhouse or phone 41 535 644 by 12.30pm. if you would like a game.
For last week’s results click here or or look over the full bowls archive here.
Bundaberg Bowls Club
Bundaberg Bowls Notes for week ending Saturday 21st. September 2024
Tuesday 17th Winner’s: L Case V Schmidt Romeo. Sports Persons: E Lutz N Knight P Manning.
Thursday 19th Winners: E Lutz G Purches R Nikora. Sports Persons: R Nutt B Fryer P Lovell.
Saturday 21st Winners: S Cox S Stephens A Edgerton. Sports Persons: L Quinn B Fryer R Chambers.
Selectors Tuesday: 24st. R Chambers J Clough. Thursday September. 26th. R & S Ribbans.
28th Saturday CLOSED NO BOWLS.
Competition Call
24th September Mixed Fours. B McKinnon P Lovell S Hucker K Mitchell Vers. A Roylance L Haggart B Sechtig Jean Moore.
Final to be played Thursday 3rd. October. Winner of the above to play J Clough R Chambers Joan Jones M Nicol.
Upcoming Events:
Monday 23rd. Cards Afternoon 12.30 Start.
1st. October Sponsored Day by Takalvans.
Anderson Shield 5th. & 6th. 2 Teams of 4 players
D Cooke B McKinnon F Dewhurst G Purches. D Jensen A Buxton P Caesar Lutz.
Tuesday 8th. October Sponsored by Ross Gray Motors.
Saturday 13th. 2024 Brother’s President Day Men’s 12.30 start
15th. B.O.M meeting 10.30 Start all welcome.
Saturday 19th. Sponsored Day by Price Concreting.
Thursday 24th. Sponsored by Marineland.
Barry Hofstetter Memorial Day is now Tuesday 29th. October. Let John know if your team is going to play.
At Spotted Dog ( Railway Hotel) 11.30 am. $10 ahead money paid as your booking pay Kay at the bar please.
Email: bundybowls21@gmail.com, Phone: 41513183, Club Mobile: 0466336317