Woodgate Bowls
Tuesday 22.10.2024: Ladies Day:
What a day it was, the semi final of the Novice Consistency played between two new bowlers both graduates of the Hannah Saturday Coaching Class.
Beth Clark-Coolee and Val Simpson fought it out like a pair of gladiators, Val led early in the match, Beth came back, Val surged ahead, Beth clawed her way back, Beth took a good lead, Val fought back!
On end 14 Beth led 72/58, two nines in a row and a seven saw Val reverse the score and take the lead 83/77.
Neither bowler was throwing in the towel and continued the tussle right up to end 25 when the score sat at 118/117 in Val’s favour.
The points for the last end were a 6 to Beth and 4 to Val giving the win to Beth 123/122.
What a game!
Congratulations to both Ladies, your introduction to competition bowls certainly was a cracker!
Thanks to Gloria Newby for marking the game.
Winning rink draw: rink 16: Barb Clarke Suzanne Weir Meredith Taylor Runners Up: rink 12: Donna Smith Fiona Dowling Wednesday 23.10.2024: Mens Day:
Another competition game today, this time a round in the Men’s B Grade Pairs.
Paul Royan and Dean Kulbars had a win over Werner Hass and Trevor Christensen.
Winning rink draw:Rink 10 Competition game: Dean Kulbars Paul Royan Runners Up: rink 6: Bob Shailer Dennis Smith M. Dolan
Consolation: rink 1: W. Sorry can’t read the name on the card?? George Weir Brian Cornish.
Thursday 24.10.2024: Oyster and Fee’s Day:
Always a lovely afternoon out, managed to finish before the storm.
Winning rink draw: rink 1: Tony Bowe Robbie Royan Oyster Dowling Runners Up: rink 3: Fiona Dowling Marilyn Mullins Saturday 26.10.2024: Self Select Pairs.
Lots of lovely visitors today so numbers are up:
Six winning teams all collecting prize money:
Rink 3: B. Wilson ? Little Rink 5: R. Blanchard G. Kasper Rink 6: Greg Madsen Rowdy Taylor Rink 2:Ian Goodhew Cheryl Goodhew Rink 7: A. Burrows S. Boyce Rink 10: Gidge M. Godfrey Sunday 27.10.2024: Northern Beaches visit:
Today we had the pleasure of welcoming a group of visiting men bowlers from the Northers Beaches Club A fabulous day was had by all, some good bowls, some not so good but lots of fun with our new friends. (Even if they did clean up on the raffles!) Four winning rinks, each taking home some lovely money!
First Winners rink 5: Lesley Christensen Kasper John Robinson Second Winners rink 12: Beth Clark-Coolee Dean Kulbars Groggy Third Winners rink 10: Bill Hooke Sylvia Mollison Shane Pudney Fourth Winners rink 3: Donna Smith Gail Lenz Bruce Wilson Consolation rink 6: Ross Marilyn Mullins Lyall Brettell Look forward to welcoming you all back again next year!
Bowls Burnett Men
Tuesday 22nd October: Winners: Julie Whalley, Keith Whalley. 1st Runners Up: Graham McLellan, Ivan Grills, Greg Jackson. 2nd Runners Up: Phil O’Neill, Geoff Gill, Janelle Franks. Sportsman: Graeme McKenna, Alan Carney.
Thursday Night 24th October: No play due to the inclement weather. The ‘Pick the Joker’ Jackpot will be $618+ for next Thursday.
Friday 25th October: Winners: Sue Busch, Theo Poelstra. Sportsman: Graham McLennan, Wayne Watson.
Saturday 26th October: Winners: Russell Spencer, Malcolm Juillerat.
Members are asked to check the Competition draws and arrange games by mutual agreement where possible. Competitions can now be played on a Sunday on QRI Bowls days. The next two QRI Sundays are Sunday 10th November & Sunday 24th November. (Green will be cut & rolled if 3 or more games are played). If arranging a game, please let the GD know.
Competition Results: B Grade Pairs FINAL – Congratulations to Glen Hayes and Greg Jackson for winning the Final. They defeated Frog Neely and Ben Martelli 26-21.
Mixed Pairs Semi-Final: Julie Whalley, Keith Whalley def Sue Barritt, Josh Gott 25-12.
Play on or before Saturday 2nd November: Mixed Fours Semi-Finals: A Goldsworthy, J Mizzi, A Player, M Mizzi Vs T Rye, C Ellis, T Clark, D Carson & E Watson, J Gott, S Petterson, D Austin Vs K McLellan, S Russell, N McLellan, C Russell.
The official Competition Call is always on the Club Noticeboard, so please check the board whenever you are at the Club.
Any issues with the above Competition Call, please see the Games Director – Keith Whalley. Members, please try to arrange any other Competition games by mutual agreement.
Just a reminder that when you are playing in Club Competitions, you must be in full Club uniform which includes shorts/trousers.
Visitors are most welcome on all playing days. Entry sheets are at the club or phone the Club on 41514217 during opening hours. If you cannot get through to the club number regarding bowls, then please phone 0403531304.
Tuesday 29th October: Open Pairs. Men’s, Ladies, Mixed. Names in by 12pm, green fees paid by 12.30pm for a 1 pm start.
Wednesday 30th October: ‘Scroungers’ Singles – has been put on hold until further notice.
Thursday 31st October: Free Coaching/Practice Drills commencing from 2.15pm. One-on-one coaching is available on request. Everyone is welcome.
Thursday 31st October: Night Bowls – bowls start at 6.30pm, names in by 6pm. Bowl under lights and enjoy a fun filled night with a chance at the ‘Pick the Joker’ Jackpot which will be $618+ this week. Visitors and those that want to try bowls for the first time will be made to feel very welcome.
Friday 1st November: Open Pairs – Men’s, Ladies, Mixed. Names in by 12pm, green fees paid by 12.30pm for a 1 pm start.
Saturday 2nd November: Open Pairs – Men’s, Ladies, Mixed. Names in by 12pm, green fees paid by 12.30pm for a 1pm start.
Tuesday 12th November: 50/50 Day – where 50 percent of the green fees for the day is returned as prizemoney.
Club opening hours: Monday (Club closed), Tuesday 10am – 5.30pm, Wednesday 11.00am – 9.30pm, Thursday 2.00pm – 9.30pm, Friday 10.00am – 9.30pm, Saturday 10.00am – 6pm (10pm for Functions) Sunday Bowls Days 9am – 2.00pm.
The Goose Club raffle will be drawn on Friday night 1st November at 7pm – Tickets are $1 each and can be purchased during the week from the Bar staff or on Friday night. There are 15 great prizes to be won – you need to be in it to win it! Proceeds from the raffle help to support your Club.
The Member’s Draw will also be held on Friday night 1st November and stands at $110, so come along, have a meal and a few drinks with the chance to win some great cash and prizes.
There will be live entertainment on Friday 1st November presented by and the following Friday 8th November entertainment will be provided by ‘Old Bones’. Members, Guests, and Visitors are always welcome.
The Waves Bowls Club
RESULTS: Wednesday 23rd October –
Winners – N.Costa, B.Frost, S.Costa
1st Runners-Up – R.Witton & M.Tobin
Sportsmen – R.Swallow & D.Green
Friday 25th October –
Winners – N. & S.Costa
Sportsmen – K.Mason & D.Goodman-Jones
Friday 25th October –
Ladies B Grade Singles Final –
M.Whitworth def M.Whitbread in a very close game.
Thanks Jill for doing the marking duties.
Thursday 7th November – Phone Brian on 0435 559 249 or Lyn on 0402 302 091 by Tuesday 5th November to get your team in.
Bundaberg Bowls
Weekend 26th. October.
Tuesday 22nd. October Winners: G Stewart K Itzstein B Phillips.
Runners Up: G Dowden C Godfrey G Job. Sports Persons: R Ribbans P Caesar M Bromhead.
Thursday 24th. October Sponsored by Marineland:
Winners Samson Green: P Stokes T Brigden V Mallett. Runners Up: Romeo B Newton K Evans. Sports 1: S Ribbans W Evans R Ribbans.
Sports Persons 2: D Harding D Harding C Sonta.
Winners Foundation Green: B Peardon S Squires C Devries Runners Up: G Dowden J Poloy K Nutt. Sports Persons 1: O hocking K Mitchell G Pinkstone. Sports Persons 2: S Sparke S Hucker J Francis.
Saturday 26th. October Winners: G Stewart Jean Moore L Quinn. Sports Persons: O Korman N Appleby S cox.
Selectors Tuesday 29th. October: S & R ribbans Thursday 31st. October: K Mitchell M Nicol. Saturday 2nd. November. K Innes.
Competition Call:
Thursday 31st. October Men`s Triples:
D Jensen L Charteris I Quartermaine Vers. B Fryer R Bury J Scougall.
Mixed Pairs:A Roylance L Haggart Vers. J Nikora E Lutz.
Saturday 2nd. November Mixed Fours:
A Roylance L Haggart Jean & John Moore J Clough M nicol R chambers Joan Jones.
Saturday 9th. November mixed Pairs. C Morey L Morey Vers. R Nikora K Mitchell. M Nicol R Chambers Vers. J Clough F Clarke.
Upcoming Events:
Tuesday 22nd. Social.
Tuesday 5th. November: Melbourne Cup 9.30 Start. Put your names on the sheet. Pay Kay if having lunch. Sweep tickets will be sold.
Thursday 7th. Social and comp.
Saturday 9th. November Social.
Tuesday 12th. Sponsored $600 Day Aim Hearing.
Donations of vouchers for Xmas Raffle Please.
Club Trivia Night Friday 22nd. November donations for cent sale please.
At Spotted Dog ( Railway Hotel) 11.30 am. $10 ahead money paid as your booking Pay Kay at the bar Please.
E Mail: bundybowls21@gmail.com PH: 41513183
- Read earlier bowls results and news here.