HomeSportOn the greens: bowls club results

On the greens: bowls club results

Bowls results region
Check out the latest in results and news from on the greens of bowls clubs right around the region.

Bundaberg Bowls Club

Tuesday 12th. November Sponsored by A.I.M. Hearing: 

 winners Samson Green: G Mizzi J Mizzi M Nicol. Runners Up: H McKinnon B McKinnon P Lovell. Sports Persons: J Farmer Frost J Kemp. Sports Persons 2: C Devries S Squires B Peardon.

Winners Foundation Green:  V Stewart M Fitzpatrick G Mallett. Runners Up: D Ivens R Hoyberg  Brad. Sports Persons 1: V Green B Fryer R Death.

Sports Persons 2 : M Holmes R Chambers.

Winners 14th.November.  I Quartermaine M Fitzpatrick B Brown.  Sports Persons: G Job A Edgerton M Nicol.

Saturday 16th. November Winners:  R Nikora I Quartermaine L Case.          Sports Persons: G Stewart Jean Moore N Abbleby.

Selectors Tuesday 19th. November. R Chambers R Nikora. Thursday 21nd. November: J Nikora K Mitchell. Saturday 23rd. November R Chambers.

Competition Results Mixed Pairs:

A Roylance L Haggart Def. K Mitchell R Nikora.

Past President State Carnival was played today with Bundaberg team L Robinson F Millerick J Clough M Nicol winning against Downs and Wide Bay with the trophy staying at the Bundaberg Club. Great day was had by all.

Competition Call: 

Tuesday 19th. November Final Men`s  Triples.

D Jensen L Charteris I Quartermaine Vers. B Fryer R Bury J Scougall ( sub }

Saturday 23rd. November Final Mixed Pairs.

R Chambers M Nicol Vers. L Haggart A Roylance.

Upcoming Events:

Tuesday 19th. B.O.M. Meeting 10.30 start.

Xmas raffle tickets are now being sold. Donations for raffle would be appreciated Please.

Club Trivia Night Friday 22nd. November donations for cent sale please.

Table booking to Joan please.


At Spotted Dog ( Railway Hotel) 11.30 am. $10 ahead money paid as your booking Pay Kay at the bar Please.

Bowls Burnett Men


Tuesday 12th November: Winners: Alan Carney, Dave Rye. Runners Up: Vince Rush, Kerry Melham. Sportsman: Cal Toft, Alan Vinegrad.

Thursday Night 14th November: Winners: Gary Nicko & Robbie. The ‘Pick the Joker’ Jackpot was not won and will now be $675+ for next Thursday.

Friday 15th November: No results forwarded.

Saturday 16th November: Winners: Eddie Cross, Craig, Sharon Sheppeard


Members are asked to check the Competition draws and arrange games by mutual agreement where possible. Competitions can now be played on a Sunday on QRI Bowls days. The next two QRI Sundays are Sunday 24th November & Sunday 8th December. (Green will be cut & rolled if 3 or more games are played). If arranging a game, please let the GD know.

Competition Results: Mixed Pairs FINAL: Congratulations to Emma Watson and Darryl Austin for winning the Mixed pairs final. They defeated Julie Whalley and Keith Whalley 17-9. Well done!

Competition Call

Play on or before Sunday 8th December: Mixed Fours FINAL – Annette Goldsworthy, Josie Mizzi, Cameron Walker, Mark Mizzi Vs Emma Watson, Josh Gott, Sue Petterson, Darryl Austin.


Burnett defeated Brother 2-1on Saturday to reach the semi-final on Sunday. In the semi-final Burnett played Bargara in a hard-fought match. Mark Mizzi lost the singles rubber to Warwick Baxter 25-22. This meant that Burnett needed to win the Pairs and Fours. The Fours team of Cameron Walker, Malcolm Juillerat, Daniel Stanton Cok and Darryl Austi were locked in a close game with the Bargara team; however, the Pairs team of Gino Mizzi and Keith Whalley were well beaten by their opposition for Bargara to secure the win. Bargara were then beaten in the Final 3-0 by The Waves. Well done to all Burnett players that represented the Club so well.


Visitors are most welcome on all playing days. Entry sheets are at the club or phone the Club on 41514217 during opening hours. If you cannot get through to the club number regarding bowls, then please phone 0403531304.

Tuesday 19th November: Open Pairs. Men’s, Ladies, Mixed. Names in by 12pm, green fees paid by 12.30pm for a 1 pm start.

Wednesday 20th November: ‘Scroungers’ Singles – has been put on hold until further notice.

Thursday 20th November: Free Coaching/Practice Drills are now finished for the year. Will recommence in the new year.

Thursday 20th November: Night Bowls – bowls start at 6.30pm, names in by 6pm. Bowl under lights and enjoy a fun filled night with a chance at the ‘Pick the Joker’ Jackpot which stands at $675+ this week. Visitors and those that want to try bowls for the first time will be made to feel very welcome.

Friday 21st November: Open Pairs – Men’s, Ladies, Mixed. Names in by 12pm, green fees paid by 12.30pm for a 1 pm start.

Saturday 22nd November: Open Pairs – Men’s, Ladies, Mixed. Names in by 12pm, green fees paid by 12.30pm for a 1pm start.


Tuesday 26th November:  $300 Open Triples.

Sunday 1st December: Cookies Ham Day – Open Triples with Bowls commencing at 9.30am. Everyone welcome. Nomination sheet at the Club.

Saturday 14th December: Men’s Bowls Section AGM and presentation of competition winner’s badges. AGM starts at 11am. Nomination sheets for 2025 Committee positions are on the noticeboard.

Saturday 14th December: Whalley family sponsored ‘Break Up’ Day. Over $2000 in value. 18 Hams as prizes for bowls + a Continuous raffle with 10 prizes including hams. Bowls will be 2 bowl triples with games commencing at 12.30pm. Free BBQ after bowls (steak sandwich). Nomination sheet at the Club. Everyone welcome.


Club opening hours: Monday (Club closed), Tuesday 10am – 5.30pm, Wednesday 11.00am – 9.30pm, Thursday 2.00pm – 9.30pm, Friday 10.00am – 9.30pm, Saturday 10.00am – 6pm (10pm for Functions) Sunday Bowls Days 9am – 2.00pm.

The Goose Club raffle will be drawn on Friday night 22nd November at 7pm – Tickets are $1 each and can be purchased during the week from the Bar staff or on Friday night. There are 15 great prizes to be won – you need to be in it to win it! Proceeds from the raffle help to support your Club.

The Member’s Draw will also be held on Friday night 22nd November and stands at $170, so come along, have a meal and a few drinks with the chance to win some great cash and prizes.

There will be live entertainment on Friday 22nd November presented by Vette English and the following Friday 29th November entertainment will be provided by Bradz Rock N Rhythm. Members, Guests, and Visitors are always welcome.

Woodgate Bowls Club

Ladies Day: Today we welcomed four visiting Ladies here from Samford for a game on our grass greens, always a pleasure to welcome visitors especially return ones!

We also had three new bowlers having their first outing, welcome to the great game of bowls!

Sorry I can’t give you names as I was with three other Woodgate Lady Bowlers enjoying President’s Day at Moore Park!

What a lovely day out it was too, we may not have come out as winners but we certainly didn’t disgrace ourselves or our Club with our performance.

Skip Jacquie Rogerson, third Donna Smith, second Judy Stanley and lead  Lesley Christensen!

Winning rink draw: rink 4: Leila Teys Bates, Denise Stevenson Rhonda Byrnes

Encouragement: rink 5: Christeen Dewaard Marjo Greiner  Suzanne Weir.

Wednesday 13.11.2024: Mens Day:

Another perfect day out on the green today for our men and also the final of the  B Grade  Men’s Pairs.

We’ll start with the blue ribbon event, the mens B Grade Pairs final, what a match, neck a neck the whole way through, could have gone either way!

On end 20 the score was even 15 all, came down to the last end when team Royan took a 2 to win the match.

Congratulations to both teams for reaching the final and playing such a tight game, great to watch.

Special thanks to Paul Rogerson who stood as Umpire for the day.

Winners of the B Grade Men’s Pairs: Dean Kulbars and Paul Royan Had a win by 2 over:

Garry Willoughby and Phil Nelson

Winning rink draw: rink 5: A.   Hetherton Lyall Brettell Ian Kirby

Runners Up: rink 3: Bill Cowan Stephen Cole Trevor Christensen

Consolation: rink 3: Archie Bishop Rob West George Weir Thursday 14.11.2024:

Winning rink draw: rink 3: Rob Stevenson Gail Lenz Geof Haynes Consolation:rink 2: Peter Hutchison Marilyn Mullins Cheryl Hutchison Saturday bowls cancelled due to torrential rain overnight!

Sunday 17.11.2024: Paddle Pop Triples, or Pairs.

Only one winning rink winner: rink 3: Geoff Bishop and Marilyn Mullins.

The jackpot didn’t go off so is still up for grabs next week!

The Waves Bowls Club

Wednesday 13th November –
Winners – M.Whitbread & P.Wilson
Runners-Up – P. & B.Koorneef
Sportsmen – J.Finemore & R.Batt

Friday 15th November Money Day –
1st Green Winners – D.Harding, M.Attwood & H.Johns
1st Runners-Up – C.Suzor, T.Brigden, V.Mallett
2nd Runners-Up – Bruce, Bill & Rob
Sportsmen – H.McKinnon, D.Harding & B.McKinnon
2nd Green Winners – G.Hartigan, S.Pennington & O.Stephenson
1st Runners-Up – B.Peardon. N.Costa & S.Costa
2nd Runners-Up – K.Tuttle, L.Bauer & G.Bauer
Sportsmen – C.McClelland, S.Bobocel & L.Bertolla
Thanks to The Waves Sports Club for your continued support.

Saturday 16th November –
Winners – M.Tobin & I.McMah

Congratulations to the Waves Wolves on winning the McCracken Cup today – another great effort by our boys.
Nominations are now open for Ladies Championship Fours, closing and drawn on Friday 10th January 2025. First round to be played on 17th January.

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