
Funding helps to build resilience during fire season

Funding of $3.2 million is set to help the Burnett Mary Regional Group deliver workshops and support to communities impacted by bushfires.

Playhouse’s first play for 2022 is Drop Dead funny

The Playhouse Theatre's first play to hit the stage in 2022 is Drop Dead, which has been described as a non-stop physical comedy that turns the world of theatre on its head.

Students spread self worth message with Pride Festival

'Be proud in yourself' is the message two young locals hope to spread as preparations get underway for the inaugural Bundaberg Pride Festival.

Goanna scales building for best views of Bundaberg

A gutsy goanna is reaching new heights by scaling the walls of the six-storey Auswide building in the CBD.

Jill on to next chapter as she retires from library role

When Jill Fulcher began her career at Council in 1979, she was tasked with helping to set up the new library in the historic local building which is now the art gallery.

Hats off to Pat after 40 years with QPS

What initially began as a passion to become a police diver turned into a lifelong service to community through the Queensland Police Service for retiring Inspector Pat Swindells.

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