Isis Devils a no show for 2019 BRL season

Better days ahead: Isis Devils coach Jim Bryant (centre) and players Dylan Suter (left) and Jack Cole pictured after last night’s meeting where the club decided the Isis Devils will not field a team in the 2019 Bundaberg Rugby League competition.

The jerseys will stay in the box this year as the familiar strip of the Isis Devils rugby league team will be missing from the 2019 Bundaberg Rugby League competition.

A dejected club president John Cole said the club committee and a handful of players made the call last night that an Isis team would not be formed.

“We simply couldn’t gather enough player interest which really was frustrating given the success the club enjoyed last season.

“While there is obvious disappointment that we could not form this year I guess a part of me is relieved that the stress and the hard slog that was involved over the past few weeks as we attempted to sign players is now gone.”

Cole said due to lack of numbers the Isis Devils women’s team would also not form.

“They had about eight players and certainly not enough to get through a season.

“It is not all doom and gloom for the club with several local small crops operations offering a lifeline for next season.

“The smallcrops season runs parallel with the footy season and we have had offers that work will be made available for anyone who want to sign with the footy club.

“The year off will also allow us to get together a bit of a think tank to plan some strategies around the 2020 rugby league season,” said Cole.

“We have a solid supporter base and I think this offer from smallcrops growers has the potential to provide us with an influx of players.”

Devils coach Jim Bryant who attended the meeting said other clubs in the BRL needed to think about the manner in which they signed players.

“Some clubs obviously have the financial capacity to offer incentives to players that simply cannot be matched by the smaller clubs. One Bundy club has reportedly invested $190,000 in player fees and clubs like Isis simply do not have that financial capacity.

“It seems a huge investment for winning an $8,000 premiership.”

Slade and Aletha Walters of Stroud Homes had signed to be major sponsors of the club for two seasons and were disappointed the second season had not eventuated.

“Slade and I are both Childers locals and we know the disappointment the town feels in not having its footy club competing. It’s always a great social and sporting talking point during the season,” said Aletha.

John Cole said the club committee would hold a meeting next Monday night to formalise its withdrawal from the 2019 BRL competition. Cole will also stand down as a BRL director.