Queensland’s Chief Entrepreneur Leanne Kemp will visit Bundaberg on Friday, 24 May for the next Hinkler Innovation Series event.
The region’s top innovators will have an opportunity to combine ideas and concepts on how to bring out the best of the Bundaberg Region.
The Hinkler Innovation Series showcases local and world-renowned speakers to share their views and ideas with the community.
The upcoming event will be delivered in partnership between Bundaberg Regional Council and CQUniversity.
Bundaberg Region Mayor Jack Dempsey said the free event was the perfect setting for ideas and innovation to thrive.
“The Hinkler Innovation Series is designed to provoke thought, challenge conventional ideas, spark inspiration and promote action in the Bundaberg Region,” Mayor Dempsey said.
“It’s a place for like-minded people to come together and discuss positive ways in which we can grow our community.
“The upcoming event on Friday, 24 May marks the third event with special guest Leanne Kemp featured as our keynote speaker.”
Chief Entrepreneur pushes boundaries
Leanne Kemp is Queensland’s third Chief Entrepreneur and Founder and CEO of Everledger.
The company is a leading emerging technology enterprise that tracks the provenance of high-value assets on a global digital ledger in an authenticated immutable manner.
Using her extensive background in emerging technology, business, jewellery and insurance, the Leanne is pushing boundaries with Everledger in building a global verification system that asserts transparency along the entire supply chain process.
This enables the tracking and protection of high-value assets, mitigating risk and fraud in global marketplaces.
The Chief Entrepreneur will talk about her journey as an entrepreneur and then lead a panel discussion with a mix of local and national business leaders on the importance of innovation and entrepreneurship, particularly in regional Australia.
University presents innovation showcase
Following on from the panel, the morning will open up to the CQUniversity Innovation Showcase, which highlights a number of projects and initiatives led by CQUniversity academic staff, students and alumni.
Presentations will broadly coincide with three overarching themes of Education and Social; Health and Community; and Agriculture and Environment.
The upcoming Hinkler Innovation Series Event will be held on Friday, 24 May at Moncrieff Entertainment Centre.
The event will begin with refreshments at 11.45am with the Chief Entrepreneur’s presentation following at 12.30 pm. Leanne will lead the panel discussion and this will be followed by the CQUniversity Innovation Showcase.
The free event will conclude with a networking session from 4pm.
To register attendance, go to Council’s website.
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