Enhance Family Day Care will celebrate one year of supporting local families at a dinner for educators and staff this week.
In May 2018 educators and staff from the Bundaberg Baptist Family Day Care scheme joined Enhance Family Day Care after the scheme ceased operations due to Federal Government funding changes.
The Bundaberg Baptist Family Day Care scheme had provided quality care to families in Bundaberg for over 35 years.
The move helped ensure local families could continue to access quality family day care.
National Family Day Care Week.
National Family Day Care Week recognises the important contribution family day care educators and services play in the development and wellbeing of more than 131,000 children across Australia.
Enhance is operated by an approved provider, Family Day Care Association of Queensland, a not-for-profit organisation and the peak body for family day care in Queensland.
The Association has more than 40 years’ experience in home-based quality early learning.
Family Day Care Association of Queensland chief executive Jason de Bakker said Enhance was proud to have worked with educators and staff over the past year and they continue to be an invaluable asset to the Bundaberg community.
Community-minded organisation
The service has continued to grow and be an important part of the community, holding events and play dates in local parks for Bundaberg families.
“Enhance Family Day Care aims to ensure our services are high quality and work with the national quality standards,” Mr de Bakker said.
“Our focus is ensuring the best possible outcomes for children, families and the local community.”
Enhance Family Day Care offers services throughout Queensland.
The anniversary celebration will be held this Friday from 7pm at Rowers on the River Restaurant and Function Centre.
Anyone seeking family day care in Bundaberg is advised to contact Enhance at 14 Fitzgerald Street, Norville, phone 4152 9233, email bundaberg@fdcaq.com.au or visit the Facebook page for more information.