Wellie weather fun day in Childers

wellie weather fun day
Wear Your Wellies Day will be held in Childers on Friday, 14 June.

The cooler weather is upon us and what better way to entertain the kids while keeping them warm than a day out in some gumboots.

The Wear Your Wellies Day will be held on Friday, June 14 at the Child and Family Building in Childers.

Bundaberg Regional Council Community and Cultural Services portfolio spokesperson Cr Judy Peters said the event would be an ideal opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors.

“Bring your under 5s along in their outdoor gear and wellies because they are going to get up to some messy mischief!” Cr Peters said.

“There will be arts and craft as well as games on the day, coupled with the grand opening of the new-look nature play space.”

New play area at Childers

Cr Peters said the outdoor play area was made possible by funding from the Department of Education through a Small Assistance Grant.

“There was also plenty of support from the Childers Men’s Shed, who helped put together some of the items including a bridge, boat and mud kitchens,” Cr Peters said.

The new boat crafted by volunteers at the Men’s Shed.

“The play area features a mud play pit, bike track, yarning circle, stepping stones, river and bridge, raised garden beds and plenty more.”

Cr Peters said the Wear Your Wellies Day event would be the perfect opportunity for children to enjoy the play space as well as lots of other fun activities.

“There will face painting, gardening and plenty more,” Cr Peters said.

“Maybe even jump in some puddles!”

The free family-friendly event will be held on Friday, 14 June at the Child and Family Building in Hinkler Street, Childers.

The fun will be from 9.30am to noon with morning tea provided.

For more information, call 4130 4690 or email cnc@bundaberg.qld.gov.au