Water meter reading contractors will begin reading meters throughout the region this week for the half year period ending 31 December 2019.
Water consumption charges resulting from these meter readings will be included on the next rate notice, to be delivered in February 2020.
The proposed reading schedule is as follows:
Bundaberg: August to October
Bargara and surrounds: October to November
Gin Gin and surrounds: December
Childers and surrounds: November
Council will endeavour to advise ratepayers in writing if their water consumption is considerably higher than normal, as that may indicate a water leak on the property.
However, Council encourages ratepayers to monitor their water usage, shown on their water meters, to detect a leak as soon as possible, which will save water and reduce their water charges.
Details on how to read your water meter and other useful water monitoring information are available on Council’s website or from any Council Service Centre.
Should ratepayers experience a water leak they may be eligible for relief from the resulting higher than normal water charges.
A copy of Council’s Water Leak Relief Policy is available on Council’s website or from any Council Service Centre.
It is a requirement of our contractors that soil or other material that is removed from the meter box to take a reading is returned to the meter box.
This prevents drains from being blocked or ratepayer lawns being damaged by anything removed from the meter box.
For the safety of Council’s water meter reading contractors, please ensure your animals are enclosed within your property.
All water meter reading contractors carry official identification.
For any enquiries regarding water charges or rates contact Bundaberg Regional Council by calling 1300 883 699 or emailing ceo@bundaberg.qld.gov.au.