Switch off lights for Turtle Hour, 12 November

turtle hour
Kellys Beach Resort is the first business to pledge support for the Turtle Hour event with owner Loni Hammond ready to switch of the lights on 12 November.

In a world first, residents are being asked to switch off their lights for 60 minutes at 7.30pm on Tuesday, 12 November for Turtle Hour.

Bundaberg Regional Council environment portfolio spokesperson Cr Wayne Honor said the initiative was a special pre-Milbi Festival event.

β€œTurtle Hour will coincide with the launch of the Reducing Urban Glow project’s light sensors which are in place to monitor light pollution along our coastline,” Cr Honor said.

β€œThis event is about joining together to show our support for the conservation of the turtle population which has made our coastline an iconic tourist attraction.”

However Cr Honor said Turtle Hour was more than just a novelty event.

β€œThe event is essentially a living lab, with the data that will be collated by the light sensors during this time acting as a baseline for the project moving forward,” he said.

β€œAnyone who participates will be taking part in Australia’s largest ever light pollution experiment in support of sea turtle conservation.

β€œReducing Urban Glow is a major project which can’t be achieved without support from the community.

β€œTackling urban light pollution takes a whole of community approach, so let’s come together on 12 November and show our commitment to protecting our turtles.”

turtle hour
Eco-certified local business Kellys Beach Resort will switch off its lights for Turtle Hour with owner Loni Hammond supporting the Milbi Festival event.

Local business signs on for Turtle Hour

Kellys Beach Resort Bargara was the first business to pledge support for the Turtle Hour campaign.

Owner Loni Hammond said the resort would be switching off as many lights as possible during the event.

β€œWe’ve got a restaurant on-site, so we’ll definitely turn all the power off there,” Loni said.

β€œWe’re going to encourage all the guests to turn their lights off.”

As an eco-certified business Loni said Turtle Hour was an initiative she fully supported.

β€œIt creates real awareness for the importance of pollution management for the turtles, not just for our visitors but the community.

β€œI think it’s a great way to spread awareness.

β€œThe whole festival is a great way to bring people around celebrating what we have as well as education and conservation.”

In addition to supporting Turtle Hour Loni said she was keen to work in with the Reducing Urban Glow project and a potential Turtle Tick program currently in concept stages and supported by locally based Sea Turtle Alliance.

Under the proposed program businesses would be given a checklist of criteria to meet to show that they are turtle friendly.

β€œAs part of being a β€˜greenie’ business we always want to learn what else we can do to help.

β€œIt’s a really great initiative of Council.

β€œWe all talk at meetings but having this accreditation gives us the plan and objectives to meet.”

Some of the positive initiatives the resort already has in place include a low voltage business sign and a tree planting sponsorship program within the Barolin Nature Reserve.

β€œWe have so much appreciation for how beautiful and how lucky we are to live in this place.

β€œWe just want to try to do our best to protect it.”

The Reducing Urban Glow Project is funding by the Australian Government under the Smart Cities and Suburbs Program, along with the following project partners: Queensland Government Department of Environment and Science; Ergon Energy; Burnett Mary Regional Group; Central Queensland University; Greenfleet on behalf of The Prince’s Trust Australia; Bundaberg Tourism; and Sea Turtle Alliance.