HomeNewsFree untreated water extended at Cordalba

Free untreated water extended at Cordalba

Cordalba standpipe
Bundaberg Region Mayor Jack Dempsey chats with Robert Dean at Cordalba. Council has extended the supply of free untreated water until the end of this month.

The supply of free untreated water from the Cordalba standpipe has been extended until the end of January.

Bundaberg Region Mayor Jack Dempsey said Council extended the supply for several weeks after the initial release from Paradise Dam was completed.

“Water is a valuable resource that we shouldn’t take for granted,” Mayor Dempsey said.

“That’s why I’m fighting hard to get Paradise Dam reinstated to its full capacity after urgent repairs are made.

“While urban areas of the Bundaberg Region have access to reliable water from multiple sources, many farmers and rural property owners are not so fortunate.

“When water was released from Paradise Dam, Council partnered with Sunwater to make free untreated water available for pick-up at Cordalba.”

Mayor Dempsey spoke to local residents at Cordalba this week.

“They were grateful for the service, which has been extended until the end of this month,” he said.

“People are filling up whichever way they can and using the water to feed stock, run showers and toilets and sustain essential gardens.

“One person was taking water to keep fish alive, replacing water that’s lost through evaporation.”

Robert Dean thanked the Mayor for Council’s support.

“It’s tough for a lot of people with limited financial resources to keep buying water. Having this water available has been a real lifesaver,” he said.

Mayor Dempsey said some people are desperate and this service enables them to preserve precious rainwater.

Council has several locations where people can buy affordable drinking water in bulk, at less than $2 per 1000 litres. For more information visit here.

Paradise Dam petition

Mayor Dempsey’s Paradise Dam petition currently has more than 3000 signatures.

The petition calls for the reinstatement of water that’s lost from Paradise Dam to:

  1. Ensure the long-term water security which Paradise Dam was built to deliver;
  2. Provide confidence to investors that water will be available; and
  3. Maintain the Bundaberg Region’s status as the food bowl of Australia.

The petition can be signed here.

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