New signage, tree planting and design work has been completed at Bundaberg Regional Cemeteries, with the maintenance and beautification work a high priority for Council in 2019.
Bundaberg Region Mayor Jack Dempsey said upgrades to each of the four facilities was an important task.
“Our cemeteries across the region remain places of significance not only for families to remember their loved ones but also as repositories of this region’s rich history,” Mayor Dempsey said.
“It’s imperative that these places of final rest are treated with respect and dignity.”
Mayor Dempsey said work to different aspects of Bundaberg General Cemetery was rolled out over six months in 2019.
“There were approximately 300 trees planted on the internal roadways within the Bundaberg Cemetery and 500 metres of asphalt laid within the cemetery itself,” he said.
“New signage featuring motifs of natural flora were also added to the area.”

Mayor Dempsey said $40,000 in renovations to the columbarium also took place in 2019 at Bundaberg Cemetery.
“This renovation included a design of natural colours and materials to enhance the columbarium and give it the significance it respectfully deserves,” he said.
“This design work then follows through to the memorial plaque display board which was installed at the cemetery office.”
Mayor Dempsey said updated signage was installed at entry points of the Bundaberg Cemetery, Gin Gin Cemetery, Apple Tree Creek Cemetery and Childers Cemetery.
He said keeping the region’s cemeteries in good condition was a priority for Council.
“I am proud of the great work our staff do in ensuring the appropriate level of care and supervision is afforded these places which hold such emotional attachment for many people,” he said.
About Bundaberg Regional Cemeteries
Bundaberg Regional Council administers, or is Trustee for, nine cemeteries throughout the region.
The region also has numerous private cemeteries and lone graves.
In particular, Bundaberg General Cemetery continues to provide one of the biggest windows into the history of the region.
The very first Bundaberg Cemetery was located towards what is now the Bundaberg CBD on land bordered by Woongarra, Maryborough, Woondooma and McLean Streets and was first utilised for burials in 1869.
The city leaders recognised this site was not sustainable as a long-term option and a new cemetery was developed on 40 acres (a little over 16 hectares) at the current location off Takalvan Street.
On Council’s website, residents are able to search the burial list to obtain brief information including burial location.
Find out more here: https://www.bundaberg.qld.gov.au/cemetery
The roundabout is ridiculous but if the trees get watered would be an improvement.