The Gracie Dixon Centre is launching a community outreach program to connect vulnerable seniors with friends and family via Zoom sessions.
The project is a collaboration between the centre and Bundaberg Library staff, who have provided iPads and training to help establish the program.
Coordinator of Gracie Dixon Centre Lyn Frost said staff would help to facilitate Zoom meetings with participants’ families and friends through the outreach program to help keep connection strong during COVID-19.
She said the Zoom sessions would help more than 25 clients stay in contact with their families.
“Some of our clients have no family living in the area and during COVID-19, families cannot travel to check in on their loved ones so this will assist them to stay connected,” Lyn said.
“For families to be able to see one another during this time helps to take a lot of anxiety away.”
Bundaberg Library Information Services Librarian Stephen Harris said Library staff were thrilled to be part of the project.
“Reaching out to the vulnerable is a social responsibility and one that Gracie Dixon and the Library take pride in providing,” he said.
“Individuals will be able to see and communicate with family that they might not be able to contact during periods of isolation.”
Lyn said not only can the iPads be used for connecting with family and friends but staff could also run one-on-one programs for clients.
“Activities such as games, music downloaded from YouTube to enable them to sing, dance and exercise to improve their health and well-being will be of great benefit to our clients,” she said.
Bundaberg Regional Council’s Community Services portfolio spokesperson Cr Tracey McPhee congratulated the Bundaberg Library and Gracie Dixon Centre on their collaboration.
“This is a fantastic example of how organisations within our region are working together to assist in the betterment of resident’s health and wellbeing during Coronavirus restrictions,” she said.
“While COVID-19 has disconnected many vulnerable parts of society, with the support of services such as Gracie Dixon and the Library, individuals need not be excluded.”