HomeCouncilKalkie unit development approved

Kalkie unit development approved

Kalkie Development
The units will be developed using three building designs comprising a triplex and two duplex design, with communal recreational facilities and provision for a future road connection to future development areas located to the north-west.

Almost 50 new units are proposed for Kalkie with a developer looking to take advantage of vacant residential land on Morgan Way and Georgia Terrace.

The application proposes to develop lot 99 on Morgan Way and lot 100 on Georgia Terrace for a mix of student housing and farm worker accommodation.

The units will be developed using three building designs comprising a triplex and two-duplex design, with communal recreational facilities and provision for a future road connection to future development areas located to the northwest.

Council’s Manager of Group Development, Michael Ellery, said the development was originally lodged in 2019, but was resubmitted following a change in approach by the applicant.

ā€œThis development application was originally lodged in February 2019 with the intention for the buildings to be occupied by residents accommodated under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS),ā€ Mr Ellery said.

ā€œIn September 2019 the applicant submitted a change application to change the application to be for short-term accommodation (rural workers) and rooming accommodation (student accommodation) comprising 50 units with a maximum of 384 persons residing on the premises.

ā€œAs a result of public submissions and Councilā€™s further advice the applicant changed the development application again on 20 April 2020.

ā€œA key change made in response to submitter concerns about the density of the development saw the maximum number of residents reduced to 300 persons.ā€

Kalkie Development
Almost 50 new units are proposed for Kalkie with a developer looking to take advantage of vacant residential land on Morgan Way and Georgia Terrace.

This change, and other conditions which further reduce the number of units; and requirements around the provision of landscaping, have resulted in the proposed development achieving compliance with the applicable assessment criteria.

ā€œWe were very cognisant of the large number of submissions received about this application and the issues raised about density, car parking and amenity impacts,ā€ Mr Ellery said.

ā€œThe development will be conditioned to provide a minimum of 123 car parking spaces through the development and provide a mini-bus service to further reduce traffic generated by the occupants.

ā€œConditions of approval will be also be imposed restricting the use of adjoining road reserve areas external to the site for parking purposes.

“The density has been reduced to meet the stated limits in the Planning Scheme and substantial landscaping will be provided to help screen and soften the appearance of the site.”



  1. This is a joke, you really do not have any regard for your local rate payers and residents BRC. This application should never have been passed, our area is already over populated due to the illegal secondary dwelling homes you allowed to get built and continue to ignore that they are being rented out illegally.

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