A Council project to replace a narrow timber bridge on Monduran Road near Gin Gin will improve safety and enhance farm and industry-based transport.
Divisional representative Cr Wayne Honor said $1.24 million has been allocated in the 2020-21 budget to replace the bridge at the One Mile Creek crossing on Monduran Road.
“This is a narrow one-lane bridge and a hazard to road users,” Cr Honor said.
“It is a distinct impediment to the heavy vehicles using Monduran Road for the transport of farm produce and cattle as well as impacting a bus route and access to the local light aircraft aerodrome.
“Major improvements to Monduran Road were achieved in 2017 with the replacement of the bridge across the Kolan River as well as upgraded approaches to that bridge.
“The replacement of the One Mile Creek bridge will further enhance the great outcomes achieved from that initial work.”
Cr Honor said the project would involve replacing the current timber bridge which is four metres wide, 10 metres long and four metres high, with an appropriate concrete culvert design.
“This design will also meet the environmental requirement in relation to One Mile Creek being a designated fish passage,” Cr Honor said.
“The completed bridge will provide road users with an 8.5 metre sealed width over the bridge allowing for two 3.25 metre traffic lanes.
“The installation of safety barriers and upgraded sealed approaches to the bridge will also form part of the project.”
The bridge replacement work is anticipated to commence in early 2021 with an estimated construction time of three months.

In other budget news for the Gin Gin district, Council has allocated $970,000 to seal a 5km section of Settlement Road between Booths Road and Tablelands Road.
The Settlement Road upgrade was identified in the 2019-20 budget however the current pandemic has caused delays, resulting in the project being included in the works for the new financial year.
Cr Honor said Settlement Road connected the rural communities of Moolboolaman, Dalysford and Horse Camp to the Bruce Highway between Gin Gin and Childers.
“The unsealed section of Settlement Road between Booths Road and Tablelands Road has been identified for an upgrade due to safety concerns relating to the increasing through traffic, in particular that of heavy transport and due to its use as a school bus route,” he said.
“During flood events the settlements of Mount Perry and Horse Camp have the option of using Settlement Road as a connection to Gin Gin, avoiding the section of Bruce Highway which can be cut at the Burnett River.”
Cr Honor said the project would involve widening the balance of the road to a seven-metre sealed surface and widening on tight curves.
The Settlement Road improvements are scheduled to commence in late 2020 with an estimated construction time of four months, weather permitting.