Thrown in at the deep end is what Parks Group Supervisor Peter Kirby attributes to his success at leadership roles within Council.
Retiring in 2020, Peter recalled how, within his first 12 months at Council almost 25 years ago, he had to lead the roads and drainage work at Burnett Heads due to a supervisor’s resignation.

“I was given the job of leading the team to finish off the entire job of drainage work and footpaths,” said Peter.
“It was a hard lesson, but a good experience and I learnt a lot from it.
“I was pretty proud that we got the job done on time and within budget.”
After eight years in Roads and Drainage Peter then moved into Parks & Gardens as a labourer.
Later he was appointed as Leading Hand before moving to a role as Group Supervisor, looking after the coastal strip from Innes Park to Bargara State School.
Highlights for Peter include the Bargara Streetscape project and Miller Street upgrade which he says contributed greatly to the prosperity of Bargara.
“It’s nice driving by and looking back at what I’ve achieved at Council and I’m proud to have worked for them,” said Peter.
“When I walk out the door … I leave knowing I showed respect to my crew and in return they did the same to me.”
In retirement Peter is looking forward to more dam fishing, spending time with his wife Veronica and family, and travelling with his new caravan.