Periods of intense heavy rainfall over the Burnett and Kolan River catchment areas overnight has seen the Bureau of Meteorology issue a minor to moderate flood warning.
The Local Disaster Management Group has moved to ‘Lean Forward’ and is continuing to monitor the situation.
BURNETT RIVER, issued 6.07 am:
Rainfall totals of 60-450mm have been recorded over the lower Burnett catchment area since 9 am Thursday, with an extreme rainfall rate up to 158 mm in an hour at Old Range Rd after midnight, and 50 mm in an hour recorded in the Perry River, Reid and Sunday Creek catchments.
The Burnett River at Walla is currently at 8.49 metres and rising, with moderate flooding, and is expected to remain above the moderate flood level during Friday. Further river level rises are possible with forecast rainfall during Friday.
The Burnett River at Bundaberg is currently at 1.42 metres (below minor) and falling with tide. The Burnett River at Bundaberg may reach the minor flood level (3.50 m) during Saturday with the high tide.
Additional areas of heavy rainfall are forecast during Friday and into Saturday, which may lead to significant river level rises across the Burnett River catchment.
A severe weather warning for intense rainfall and damaging winds remains current for the Wide Bay region.
KOLAN RIVER, issued at 2.42 am
Very heavy rainfall is occurring in the Kolan River catchment, with rainfall totals in excess of 50 mm already recorded in the last 3 hours. Further heavy falls are possible.
River level rises and flooding are expected along the Kolan River.
The Kolan River at Bucca Weir is currently at 15.81 metres and steady. The Kolan River at Bucca Weir is likely to reach the minor flood level (17.50 m) overnight Friday into Saturday.
Flood Safety Advice:
Remember: If it’s flooded, forget it. For flood emergency assistance contact the SES on 132 500. For life threatening emergencies, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.
Current emergency information is available at
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