The community is invited to help form the green pathways that will lead to the Bundaberg Region achieving its net-zero target by 2030.
Achieving regional net-zero carbon emissions is a key advocacy priority for Bundaberg Regional Council which has made significant commitments to sustainability.
Bundaberg Regional Council environment portfolio spokesperson Cr Wayne Honor said achieving net-zero would take a whole-of-community commitment to reducing carbon emissions.
“Council is assessing its own operations to see what improvements can be made as we work towards our net-zero goal and we’re inviting the community to join us on this journey and do what we can today for a cleaner, greener tomorrow,” Cr Honor said.
“Upcoming consultation sessions will be undertaken with key industry representatives in fields including agriculture, energy, tourism and transport.”
He said achieving net-zero by 2030 was an ambitious but worthy target.
A crucial factor in the transition to a net-zero carbon target is the introduction of a circular economy which involves reusing and recycling existing materials and products for as long as possible.
Cr Honor said the circular economy would mean better management of waste as a valuable resource and represented a key opportunity to create jobs and benefit the environment.
Council’s vision is that by 2030, circular economy principles will be practised throughout the region as a matter of course.
These initiatives follow Council’s existing sustainability projects which include the One Million Trees project, renewable energy installations and its push for Eco Destination Certification.
Business and industry sessions will be held throughout the week of 20 June.
Community net-zero consultation sessions have been rescheduled due to project planning. These sessions will be rescheduled and the information will be updated on the project page.
An online version of the survey will be made available on the project page throughout the consultation period and will also be available at the sessions.
Only by doing our bit can we ask others to do the same or more. Together a great deal can be achieved. Our Council’s aim to be ‘green and clean’ is commendable and just shows how ridiculous the plan was to open a coal mine in our region.
The only way to Net Zero by 2030 is to build a nuclear power plant to offset other generation temporally even then we would have to start building this plant ASAP to be able to use it by 2030. Then retro fit existing coal power plants to use saw dust, straw & other bio mass. Increasing methane use instead of other gas types would also help. We simply cannot make enough solar & wind in time for 2030.
Once our solar has enough capacity most of the rest can be turned off & decommissioned.