Bundaberg Regional Council is hosting community grant workshops to provide the community the opportunity to learn more about what grants may be available to them.
The sessions will be held in Childers, Gin Gin, and Bundaberg throughout August.
Local not-for-profit community groups and organisations are encouraged to attend the sessions which will focus on a range of topics including:
- Navigating the SmartyGrants portal
- Eligibility: is your organisation eligible? How can you become eligible?
- Levels of funding available under Council’s Community Grants program
- What types of projects or events can I apply for?
- Understanding the essentials of selection criteria
- What other supports can I receive?
- How long before I receive the funding?
- How to successfully acquit a grant
Council’s Community Services portfolio spokesperson Cr Tracey McPhee said these community grants workshops would be a great chance for community organisations to understand Council grants and how to apply.
“The aim of Council’s Community Grant Program is to provide assistance to local community groups and organisations who make positive contributions to the quality of life in the Bundaberg Region,” Cr McPhee said.
“It is important that local organisations have the opportunity to understand applying for these grants, so I encourage everyone to register and attend their local session.”
Bookings for the sessions are essential as there will be light refreshments available.
To book your spot, call or email Council’s Community Development Unit on 4130 4150 or comdev@bundaberg.qld.gov.au.
The Bundaberg Regional Council Community Development Unit will deliver the community grant workshops at the following times and locations:
When: Wednesday 10 August
Time: 12 pm – 2 pm
Where: Isis Cultural Centre – Supper Room, 49 Churchill Street, Childers
Gin Gin
When: Thursday 11 August
Time: 12 pm – 2 pm
Where: Gin Gin Community Hub – H.H Innes Meeting Room, 4 Dear Street, Gin Gin
When: Tuesday 16 August
Time: 12 pm – 2 pm
Where: Bundaberg Multiples, 1 Civic Avenue
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