Bundaberg 4WD Club members recently attended a course run by 4WDQLD trainers at their club camp grounds which covered the fundamentals on how to operate and maintain a chainsaw.
This nationally-accredited course was directed at clearing fallen trees, not tree felling.
The attendees went through a set criteria that included items such as preparing the worksite, applying safety procedures, planning for the cutting, the use of the chainsaw to trim and cut trees and completing routine maintenance.
Members often use chainsaws to clear tracks and cut up firewood for the all important fire to socialise around.
The training covered many aspects and members came away with newly learned skills.
The ability to monitor the location and movement of other personnel and maintain effective communication for safety was a priority.
To trim and cut trees, we used a range of cutting techniques including bridging, swinging, ripping, and boring cuts.

Chainsaws are one of the most dangerous pieces of equipment we use in our travels, so knowing how to read the signs of what the tree may do when being cut, and the tell tale signs of when a chainsaw needs maintaining leads to taking the risk out of the activity.
To find out more on the Bundaberg Four Wheel Drive Club and activities we have on, contact us via Email, info@bundaberg4wdclub.com, on the net here, or catch us on Facebook or Instagram.
Brad Praed
Bundaberg 4WD Club Inc
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