To celebrate the region’s ECO Destination Certification an out-of-region destination marketing campaign has been launched to encourage visitors to Go Off in Bundaberg.
The campaign was developed in-house by Bundaberg Regional Council’s Marketing Team with the support of Bundaberg Tourism.
Its aim is to share the region’s ECO certified status while staying true to the region and its sustainability goals.
The term ‘Go Off’ became the hook for the campaign, aimed at representing an ‘Aussie’ lifestyle while remaining short, flexible and something that would stop viewers in their tracks.
The phrase expands to:
Bundaberg Region, where nature experiences go off
Go off… the well-worn path
Go off.. the deep end
Go off… the grid
The design strategically uses white space to draw the viewer into the imagery – and colours – of the Bundaberg Region.
The typography was leveraged as a vessel for the imagery, creating a “peek-a-boo” of what the region has to offer.
Speaking at the launch of the region’s ECO Destination Certification, Mayor Jack Dempsey said the Bundaberg Region was more than ready to “Go Off” and share its success with the rest of the country.
“We’re wanting to take it nationally,” Mayor Dempsey said.
“To have that marketing and branding and that logo, it’s quintessential Bundaberg Region.
“We know it’ll be a conversation piece for many people in the streets and at their dining tables.”
All residents and local operators are invited to be part of the campaign and spread the word by accessing a content kit to share on their own platforms.
“If they can spread the word, I think we’re all ambassadors for the Bundaberg Region,” Mayor Dempsey said.
Find out more about the ECO achievement, or apply to achieve ECO certification, here.
With the support of Bundaberg Tourism, Council’s marketing team will lead the initial promotion of the Go Off campaign throughout Australia.
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