Skills and Drills will get kids moving these school holidays and feature a special appearance from the Surfing Scientist.
Held as part of the Eat Breathe Move program, the sessions are being codelivered by renowned scientist Ruben Meerman and Bundaberg Regional COunci.
Skills and Drills encourages students to get involved with local sporting clubs and increase their physical activity.
During the Easter break kids will enjoy learning new sports skills at Shalom College, Childers State School and Gin Gin State School in a half day event facilitated by a network of sporting clubs, schools and more.
Skills and Drills will provide students with the opportunity to practice basic skills and try a variety of sporting and physical activities.
Ruben will also make an appearance to share the fascinating science behind how the food you eat becomes the carbon dioxide you exhale, why we all breathe more during exercise and what this means for your health.
“I will perform some exciting liquid nitrogen demonstrations to kick off each Skills and Drills event,” Ruben said.
“My experiments and explosions will explain how our bodies get the energy to move our muscles by converting food into carbon dioxide and water.
“Most sporty people have heard of ‘VO2 max’ and everybody knows that moving more makes us breathe more air.
“I want Bundaberg, Childers and Gin Gin kids to be the first in the world to learn how their bodies actually work and what all this exercise science stuff really means.”
Ruben believes it’s important to encourage children to increase physical activity from a young age.
“Physical activity is absolutely essential for literally every aspect of human health,” he said.
“It’s not just great for your muscles, it also improves your mood and your ability to learn.
“Playing sport also helps you make new friends which is excellent for our mental health and wellbeing.
“If you could put it in a bottle, physical activity would be the most effective medicine ever invented.”

Ruben said the program was aimed towards primary school kids but their parents would be just as amazed to learn how the food they eat turns into the carbon dioxide they exhale.
“Come along and I’ll blow your mind with science,” he said.
The Skills and Drills is designed to reduce cost and commitment barriers for youth involvement, increase participation in sports clubs, and assist with resources to run events.
Eat, Breathe, Move is an initiative of the Building a Healthy Bundaberg Alliance, supported by Bundaberg Region Council and its members.
The project is funded with support from the Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport and Health and Wellbeing Queensland under Round 2 of the ActiveKIT program.
Skills and Drills will take place at:
- Bundaberg – Tuesday, 4 April from 9 am – noon at Shalom College
- Childers – Thursday, 6 April from 9 am – noon at Childers State School
- Gin Gin – Wednesday, 12 April from 9 am- noon at Gin Gin State School
To register for Skills and Drills click here.
Other news: Find out what else is happening these school holidays