The progress of the Bundaberg Aquatic Centre has impressed on a recent tour of the site which allowed Council’s Audit and Risk Committee to see the work first-hand.
Mayor Jack Dempsey said Councillors had also attended the tour which gave them an opportunity to see the progress in person.
“It’s really exciting to see the work occurring on site at the new Bundaberg Aquatic Centre,” Mayor Dempsey said.
“The pools are in and as the structures start to rise out of the ground the community will start to get a true sense of the scale and significance of this wonderful facility.
“Right now, the buildings that are being erected will house activity rooms.
“The final outcome for the use of these rooms is a decision for the successful operator when we get to that stage, but they can be made available for a range of out of pool activities.
“That might include things like training opportunities for CPR or life guard qualifications.”
Mayor Dempsey said the project team was available to answer questions during the tour.
“This project is being undertaken with the highest level of oversight and scrutiny by relevant staff and by the Audit and Risk Committee which incorporates independent members, including the independent chair.”
Bundaberg Regional Council’s independent Audit and Risk committee chair Stephen Coates has an extensive background sitting as an executive on boards and committees, bringing his wealth of knowledge to Council as the current President of the Asian Confederation of Institutes of Internal Auditors (ACIIA) and a member of the International Internal Audit Standards Board (IIASB).
He is appointed to exercise governance, risk and compliance skills ensuring well-controlled and monitored entities and was in Bundaberg recently to join the tour.
“The Audit and Risk Committee appreciated the opportunity to tour a number of pieces of key infrastructure across Bundaberg including the site of the new Aquatic Centre,” Mr Coates said.
“The Committee values this first-hand understanding of how risks are being managed with large projects, and interacting with Council’s passionate leads at each site.
“This all helps put infrastructure initiatives into perspective for our deliberations as a Committee.
“Members were encouraged by the significant progress that had been made with the Aquatic Centre development, and with the size and scale of the undertaking.
“The Aquatic Centre promises to be a flagship undertaking for Council and will help bring further investment to the region.”
Find our more about the Aquatic Centre project, including FAQs, on the project page.