LifestyleHook into family fishing fun at Lake Monduran

Hook into family fishing fun at Lake Monduran

Lake Monduran Family Fishing Classic
family fishing fun
Dale Smith and Nathan Sutton with their catch at a past Lake Monduran Family Fishing Classic. Photo: contributed.

Keen anglers and fishing enthusiasts of all ages can hook into plenty of fishing action and family fun at the 24th annual Lake Monduran Family Fishing Classic from 20 to 22 October.

Held at beautiful Lake Monduran, north-west of Gin Gin, the Classic offers just under $40,000 worth of catch prizes and lucky draw giveaways across the weekend.

There will be daily prizes for competitors who bag the longest barramundi, and heaviest bass, jewfish and catfish catches, as well as overall weekend major catch prizes.

Lake Monduran Family Fishing Classic is one of the biggest freshwater fishing competitions in Queensland and is run by a community-based group of volunteers in the Monduran Anglers and Stocking Association (MASA).

MASA President Kevin Charteris said the Classic would kick off on Friday night with lucky draws, raffles and a ‘How to catch Barramundi’ talk by one of the local fishing guides.

“Saturday 6 am is when the serious fishing activities start,” Kevin said.

“Then we have a junior’s casting competition at 5.30 pm with some great prizes on offer.

“SunWater are hosting an open day Saturday with live entertainment, multiple SES, Landcare and Fisheries displays, ice cream van and there will also be some great information on native fish.”

Kevin said the Classic was a great weekend for anyone that enjoyed the chance to get away with family and friends.

“All ages are welcomed, with many entrants in previous years just coming along to read a book and attend the lucky draws and support the fund-raising raffles without even wetting a line,” he said.

“There is also an on-water activity for the juniors to find the coloured barra signs around the lake and there are some great prizes up for grabs with this photo submission type activity.”

There will be a range of food and beverages available for purchase throughout the weekend, including a coffee van, wood fired pizzas, burgers and breakfast in addition to the Lake Monduran Holiday Park kiosk.

Lake Monduran fingerlings release
Fingerlings of Barramundi and Australian Bass are released into Lake Monduran as part of the restocking efforts. Photo: contributed.

Kevin said the funds raised by the Classic helped MASA to purchase Barramundi and Australian Bass fingerlings to continue the future sustainability of the fishery of Lake Monduran.

“Established in 1997, MASA has created, maintains and is further developing a recreational freshwater fishery that delivers millions of tourist dollars to the Wide Bay Burnett region,” Kevin said.

“Some families have been attending the classic for the past 24 years and are again joining in the activities this year.

“Many juniors have grown up attending this event and look forward to being involved each year. 

“The juniors now will be the guiding future of the lake and we feel by running the event, continuing to stock the lake and provide engaging activities will ensure the lake is respected Australian wide and utilised for many years to come.”

Registrations in the Classic can be made in person at Tackle World Bundaberg until 19 October, online at Monduran Anglers and Stocking Association, or in person at the competition site from 2 pm Friday 20 October.

The Senior top 10 final major draws are valued at around $28,000 including a $13,300 boat, motor and trailer package sponsored by Adrian’s Marine, Minn Kota Electric motor, fish finder GPS and other great prizes, with the junior prizes including kayaks.

Lake Monduran Family Fishing Classic

Where: Lake Monduran, Monduran Dam Road, Monduran

When:  Friday 20 October, 7 pm, opening night

             Saturday 21 October, fishing 6 am to 5 pm followed by prizes and raffles

             Sunday 22 October, fishing 6 am to 10.30 am followed by prizes and raffles

SunWater’s Fred Haigh Dam Open Day is Saturday 21 October, 10 am to 2 pm, featuring live music, kids’ activities, displays from emergency services and community organisations, and a free sausage sizzle.

Lake Monduran Family Fishing Classic prize boat
One of the major prizes on offer at the 24th Lake Monduran Family Fishing Classic. Photo: contributed.

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