Bargara Bowls
Monday 20 May – Turkey Pairs – Winners M. Attwood & H. Johns, 2nd R. Hoiberg & G. Hutchinson. Winner 1st Game L. Dunn & V. Sauer, 2nd P. VanHuizen & L. Poulsen. Winner 2nd Game B. O’Neil & D. Franklin, 2nd C. Bridges & B. McDermott. Encouragement Awards J. Hearn & J. McInally; J. & D. Hayden.
Tuesday 21 May – Ladies Social Bowls Winners C. Palise, T. Williams & K. Rodgers; runners up S. Bianchi, J. Dunn & D. Hayden. Sportsman’s T. Spiteri, L. DuBarrie & V.Reitzenstein; W. Fitzgerald, W. McNamara & J. Hearn.
Wednesday 22 May – Open Pairs – Winners C. McNeilly & K. Aanensen; T. Chapman & B. Woodland; P. Press, R. McNeilly & B. Kenny; C. & K. Fitzgerald. Sportsman’s C. & G. McCarthy; R. Stone & V. Douglas; D. Stevenson & D. Ivins; A. Salmon & L. Rose.
Thursday 23 May– Men’s Triples Winners P. Sexton, J. Reitzenstein & B. McDermottt; B. Payne & A. Baigrie; F. Plant, G. Maloney & B. Dunn; S. Larsen, M. Troughton & N. McNamara. Sportsman’s J. Nowell & K. Dann; R. Hawkins, P. Scanlan & R. Kirkwood; L. Moloney & C. Watt; R. Price, L. Brown & A. Poke.
Saturday 25 May – Men’s Over 75 & Under 75 Round 2. B. Hearn & C. Fehlberg d C. Watt & M. Tonkin. Round 3. V. Sauer & W. Baxter d J. Nowell & K. Dann; J. Russell & K. Fitzgerald d J. Hayden & T. Chapman; J. Reitzenstein & B. McDermott d P. Barker & G. Kington. Jack Attack Winners Adam Baigrie & B. Kenny.
Sunday 26 May Super Sunday Triples – Winners R. Salmon, Jacko & A. Grills; K. Davern, S. Gray & R. Lambert; M.Pelusi, S. Stewart-Cook & W. Heath. Sportsman’s B. O’Neil, M. Smith & C. Brooshoft; W. & K. Fitzgerald & P. Pitt; W. & J. Russell & C. Gallagher. Zone Finals of the Zone 8’s were played at Gin Gin Today and Bargara was successful in the play offs. Off to the State finals in November. Go Bargara.
Coming Events:
Monday – Turkey Pairs – Open (Ladies, Men or Mixed) Members Only. 2 games of 11 ends 1pm Start.
Tuesday – Ladies Social Bowls 12 Noon for a 12.30 pm Start.
Wednesday – Open Triples (Ladies, Men or Mixed) 1 pm Start.
Thursday – Men’s Pairs/Triples. 1 pm Start.
Saturday – Men’s Over 75 & Under 75 Round 4. Jack Attack 4 Games of 5 Ends 1 pm Start.
Sunday – International Day. A Great afternoon sponsored by a number of Club Members.
Bowls Burnett Men
Social Bowls Results:
Tuesday 21 May: Winners: Alan Nielsen, Rob Swallow. Runners Up: Russell Spencer, Wayne Watson. 1st Sportsman: S Carney, A Carney. 2nd Sportsman: Steve Coleman, Geoff Gill.
Wednesday 22 May: Scroungers: Winner: Des. Runner Up: James.
Thursday Night 23 May: Winners: Des & James. Runners Up: Robbie & Tim. Sportsman: Kemal & Snake. The ‘Pick the Joker’ Jackpot was not won and will now be $368+ next Thursday.
Friday 24 May: Winners: Cal Toft, Alan Vinegrad Sportsman: Arthur Wood, Warren Downey
Saturday 25 May: Winners: Malcolm Juillerat, Tim Clark
Sunday 26 May: Winners: Carol, Katrina & Dave. Sportsman: Neil McLellan, Craig Russell, Eric Mulley, Peter Bull.
Members are asked to check the Competition draws and start arranging games by mutual agreement where possible. Competitions can now be played on a Sunday afternoon on QRI Bowls days. The next two QRI Sundays are Sunday 2 June & Sunday 9 June.
Competition Results: B Grade Fours: Warren Downey, Josh Gott, Greg Jackson, Dave Carson def Neil McLellan, Craig Russell, Eric Mulley (Sub), P Bull 27-18. Jason Hall, Theo Poelstra, Glen Hayes, Ted Barker def Chilli Pete, Malcolm Juillerat, Ossie Osborne, Alf Schmeider 24-11.
Competition Call:
Saturday 1 June: A & B Pairs: J Gott, C McLellan Vs P Bull, D Austin. Open Triples: O Osborne, M Juillerat, D Carson Vs C Walker, K Franks, M Mizzi. Mixed Pairs: C Ellis, A Nielsen Vs K McLellan, H McCracken. P Russell, C Russell Vs T Rye, T Clark
Championship Pairs Semi-Final: Keegan Lankowski, Brendan Whalley Vs Cameron Walker, Lee Mason – Play on or before Sunday 9 June 1 pm. (Play, Sub of Forfeit)
Sunday 9 June 1 pm:
Mixed Fours – S Barritt, P Leahy, K Ibels, G Gill Vs T Rye, C Ellis, T Clark, D Carson. E Watson, J Gott, S Petterson, D Austin Vs J Whalley, P Russell, C McLellan, K Whalley.
B Grade Fours: F Neely, J Morgan, H Schneider, R Hussey Vs G Manser, C Phillips, M Long, M Choquenot.
The official Competition Call is always on the Club Noticeboard, so please check the board whenever you are at the Club.
Any issues with the above Competition Call, please see the Games Director – Keith Whalley. Members, please try to arrange any other Competition games by mutual agreement.
Just a reminder that when you are playing in Club Competitions, you must be in full Club uniform which includes shorts/trousers.
Social Bowls Events:
Visitors are most welcome on all playing days. Entry sheets are at the club or phone the Club on 41514217 during opening hours. If you cannot get through to the club number regarding bowls, then please phone 0403531304.
Tuesday 28 May: $300 Open Triples – Men’s, Ladies, Mixed. Names in by 12 pm, green fees paid by 12.30 pm for a 1 pm start.
Wednesday 29 May: ‘Scroungers’ Singles – this is a fun game of Singles similar to consistency singles where points are allocated to the 4 closest bowls to the jack. Games are played over 12 ends with no driving allowed. Names in by 6.15 pm with games starting at 6.30 pm. Green fees are $10 with 50 percent of the green fees being returned as prize money. All ability levels are welcome so come along for a fun night out.
Thursday 30 May: Club closed – Show Holiday
Friday 31 May: Open Pairs – Men’s, Ladies, Mixed. Names in by 12 pm, green fees paid by 12.30 pm for a 1 pm start.
Saturday 1 June: Open Pairs – Men’s, Ladies, Mixed. Names in by 12 pm, green fees paid by 12.30 pm for a 1 pm start.
Sunday 2 June: Open Pairs – Men’s, Ladies, Mixed. Names in by 12 pm, green fees paid by 12.30 pm for a 1 pm start.
Coming Events:
Tuesday 11 June: 50/50 Day – where 50 percent of the green fees for the day is returned as prize money. Open 3 bowl Pairs 27 ends (Men’s, Ladies or Mixed)
Club News:
Please Note: NEW Club opening hours are as follows – Monday (Club closed), Tuesday 10am – 5.30pm, Wednesday 11.00am – 9.30pm, Thursday 2.00pm – 9.30pm, Friday 10.00am – 9.30pm, Saturday 10.00am – 6pm (10pm for Functions) Sunday Bowls Days 9am – 5.30pm.
The Goose Club raffle will be drawn on Friday night 31 May at 7 pm – Tickets are $1 each and can be purchased during the week from the Bar staff or on Friday night. There are 15 great prizes to be won – you need to be in it to win it! Proceeds from the raffle help to support your Club.
The Member’s Draw will also be held on Friday night 31 May and stands at $1030, so come along, have a meal and a few drinks with the chance to win some great cash and prizes.
There will be live entertainment on Friday 31 May presented by ‘Bradz Rock N Rhythm’ and the following Friday 7 June entertainment will be provided by ‘Old Habits’. Members, Guests, and Visitors are always welcome.
Bundaberg Bowls
Tuesday 21 May Winners: Romeo A holt. Runners Up: R Ribbans L Wright R Wright.
Sports Person: B Barry B Newton H Mosley.
Thursday 23 May Sponsored Day Advanced Footcare.
Winners Samson Green: H McKinnon B McKinnon P Lovell. Runners Up: L Case L Charteris
D Jensen: Sports Persons 1: T Salau A Salau R Death. Sports Persons 2: S Bury H Schmidt C Marcinkus.
Winners Foundation Green: A Holt B Fryer R Chambers. Runners Up: G Ferguson G Aryton M Jeffs.
Sports Persons 1: H Mosley K Rayner B Newton. Sports Persons 2 : S Stephens S Stephens.
Selectors Tuesday 28 May R Chambers J Clough. Thursday 30th. M Nicol J Jones.
Saturday 1 June J Clough.
Competition Results: Final Championship Pairs M Nicol K Mitchell Def. S Gastaldon K Itzstein.
Mens Final Fours: D Jensen c Jensen L Charteris V Schmidt (sub) Def. G Purches B McKinnon R Chambers J Clough.
B Grade Pairs: B Sechtic B Fryer Def. A Salau R Bury.
Competition Call: Tuesday 28 May: B Grade Pairs; B Fryer B Sechtic Vers. E Lutz A Edgerton.
Winners of the game on the 28th. Play Thursday 30th. FINAL: B McKinnon P Lovell.
Email bundybowls21@gmail.com PH:41513183. Club Mobile: 0466336317
The Waves Bowls Club
Beginning Saturday 1 June (and continuing during the winter months), all social and money days will start play at 12.30 pm. Names need to be in by 12 noon.
Wednesday 15 May – Winners – E.Marcon & B.McMah, Runners-Up – F.Berry & C.Engstrom, Sportsmen – D.McCracken & K.Tuttle
Friday 22 May – Winners – J.Jones & K.Tuttle, Sportsmen – S.Squires & J.Jones
Saturday 23 May – Winners – K.Jobling & L.Bertolla, Sportsmen – O.Stephenson & T.Barns
Call for competition:
Friday 31 May – Ladies Championship Triples – D.Claridge, R.Higgins, F.De Bono v M.Whitbread, G.Lock, J.Callaway, V.Jarvis, L.Hillier, L.Donaldson v H.Foster, R.Byers, M.Hughes
Saturday 8 June – 12.30 pm start – Men’s Championship Pairs – P.Kajewski & T.Smith v M.Jeffs & K.Tuttle
Saturday 15 June – 9.30 am start – Men’s Championship Singles – B.McMah v T.Smith, I.McMah v M.Tobin
Final in afternoon.
Coming Up:
Money Days: Thursday 6 June – sponsored by Regalline Cabinets and Joinery and The Waves Sports Club. Phone Brian on 0435 559 249 or Lyn on 0402 302 091 by Tuesday 4 June to get your triples team in.
Friday 14 June – sponsored by Adam Rayner Realway Realty. Phone Lyn on 0402 302 091 by Wednesday 12 June.
Social Bowls:
Social bowls are played every Wednesday. Friday and Saturday starting at 12.30 pm (from Saturday 1 June).
Turkey Pairs are played on the 3rd Monday of each month from 12.30 pm.
Put your name on the sheet or phone the clubhouse on 41 535 644 by 12 noon if you would like a game.
For last week’s results click here or or look over the full bowls archive here.