With the festive season fast approaching Bundaberg Regional Council is calling for expressions of interest for Christmas events, including float entries for Pageant of Lights.
Arts, Heritage and Asset Management portfolio spokesperson Cr John Learmonth said the applications would see the community join Council to mark the festive season.
“Our annual Christmas program is always a wonderful melding of showstopping Council events and community contributions,” Cr Learmonth said.
“Businesses and groups can apply to host their own event as part of our official program.
“After a terrific turnout last year, the Pageant of Lights is not possible without the many wonderful float applicants that join us to light up the CBD.”
Spread the Christmas spirit at Pageant of Lights
Pageant of Lights 2023 saw a dazzling display of over 60 floats entered into the parade.
The much-loved local tradition will return to Bourbong Street on Thursday 5 December to officially launch the Christmas season and will be packed with local entertainment, floats, market stalls and plenty of festive fun for the family.
Parade entry is free and there will be prizes for the winner of three different categories open, Christmas, school/youth group and community group/club.
To enter a float or participate in the Pageant of Lights complete the online form here.
Stallholder expressions of interest open
Local businesses and community groups can be part of the festivities by applying to be a stallholder at this year’s Pageant of Lights.
Whether it’s a food or beverage vendor or a market stallholder, applications are now open to be part of Council’s Christmas events.
To express your interest in being a stallholder at Pageant of Lights complete the online form here.