Amendments to the Bundaberg Regional Council Planning Scheme which support housing availability, diversity and affordability have been prioritised ahead of the development of a new scheme.
The current planning scheme was adopted in 2015 and is required reviewed every 10 years under the Queensland planning framework to ensure it remains fit-for purpose.
While the recently completed independent review found that the planning scheme was still functional and effective, it identified a range of matters where the planning scheme would benefit from amendments to ensure it remained up-to-date, responsive and relevant to informing and guiding future growth and development in the region.
This includes investigating the need for additional land to cater for local manufacturing and industry, measures to support on-farm rural industries and other value-add activities such as agri-tourism, and on-going work to preserve and enhance the region’s natural and built environment, including local heritage.
However, Planning and Development Committee Chair Mayor Helen Blackburn said, due to the scope and variety of the recommended planning scheme amendments, Council had resolved to prioritise amendments that will help alleviate housing challenges being experienced across the region and would then consider preparing a new planning scheme as part of future budget deliberations.
“It’s vitally important that we ensure we have a planning scheme that protects and preserves the region and the lifestyle we all know and love while also identifying and facilitating opportunities for positive and sustainable growth,” Mayor Blackburn said.
“A good planning scheme ensures we keep pace with our increasing population and continue to meet the needs and expectations of our community.”
The priorities identified for the housing amendment include:
- Addressing key actions from Council’s recently adopted Bundaberg Local Housing Action Plan by exploring and incorporating measures to improve housing supply and diversity
- Incorporating local plans currently being progressed by Council to support sustainable development around the site of the new Bundaberg Hospital and growth areas in Branyan and Elliott Heads
- Updating the Local Government Infrastructure Plan to ensure necessary infrastructure is provided as part of development
- Other amendments of a minor nature to improve the operation of the planning scheme
“Council will progress consultation on these priority areas to incorporate community and industry feedback into the amendments which will then be put forward for adoption,” Mayor Blackburn said.
“From a resident perspective, the frameworks we put into place in the planning and development space lead sustainable, efficient growth in a way that minimises cost to ratepayers.
“From an industry perspective this strategic work provides certainty around Council’s expectations and requirements for the timing, cost and standard of necessary infrastructure to support this growth.
“That is why it is essential that our entire community gets the opportunity to have its says on these important amendments.”
An updated Housing Strategy will be prepared to inform the planning scheme amendments.
The draft housing strategy is expected to be ready for community consultation in mid-2025, followed by consultation on the draft amendments in late 2025.
Following the completion of the amendment process Council will look to begin the preparation of a new planning scheme, which is a lengthy process that typically takes three to five years.
More news: Feedback sought on draft Corporate Plan
We have a massive problem with almost the entire Country out of room to live & people moving to the regions to reduce costs our growth will likely spiral quickly. It is now the case that our kids need to stay here as well it is to expensive to move away. They may as well stay here & try to build a home.
Our population could grow very rapidly…