
Churches go online for Easter services

In light of Coronavirus guidelines, Churches have had to rethink the way their Easter services are conducted. As well as reaching out to their parishioners by phone and mail, many are going online to share their Easter services.

Coronavirus update: social distancing over Easter

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has issued a plea for people to stay home during the Easter long weekend.

Celebrate nature with BMRG photo competition

In these challenging times, the Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG) have put together a photo competition to celebrate the wonderful resilience of mother nature.

Virtual hugs for front-line workers

St Luke’s Anglican school student Reese Dart has sent a heartfelt message of thanks to our hard working local Doctors, Nurses, support staff and partners with virtual hugs and kisses - calling on locals to do the same.

CQU: Year 12s, this is still your year, here’s why

Vice-Chancellor and President of CQUniversity Australia Professor Nick Klomp has penned the below editorial to Year 12 students amid the Coronavirus pandemic.

IMPACT graduate overcomes challenges

Francisco Paez has overcome a diagnosis of cancer, is dealing with loved ones isolated in Spain because of COVID-19 and has just graduated from IMPACT Community Services with his Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability).

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