MV22 Osprey likely in Bundaberg for Exercise Talisman Sabre

MV22 Osprey Bundaberg Australia Talisman Sabre
An American MV22 Osprey tilt-rotor military aircraft with vertical takeoff and landing, and short takeoff and landing capabilities, may be seen in Bundaberg during Exercise Talisman Sabre. Source: Wikipedia

Distinctive American MV22 Osprey tilt-rotor military aircraft with vertical takeoff and landing capability will likely be seen in Bundaberg during Exercise Talisman Sabre in July.

The information is contained in an environmental report which Defence has released for public comment.

The Talisman Sabre series is the principle Australian and US military bilateral training exercise focused on the planning and conduct of mid-intensity “high-end” war fighting.

Historically Talisman Sabre exercises have been conducted across northern and eastern Australia. Additional participants from other nations may participate or observe the exercise if invited.

This year’s activities will run from 11-24 July 2019, occurring on the existing ADF Shoalwater Bay training area near Rockhampton, with other events around the Whitsunday Region and Bundaberg.

Bundaberg Airport will be one of the sites. Defence says there will be no impact on airport operations, the environment or business activity.

The environmental report addresses Commonwealth regulatory requirements relevant to Defence on its own training areas.

It also considers state and local requirements for other locations that are not owned by Defence.

Comments received before 17 May 2019 will be addressed in a consultation report published before the exercise starts in July.

In relation to Bundaberg, the document states there will be land and air activities involving airport security, surveillance and simulated fire support using HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System).

“Aircraft movements through Bundaberg Airport will likely include C130 Hercules, C27J Spartan, MV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft in addition to a range of rotary wing platforms,” the environmental report says.

Talisman Sabre 2019 will principally occupy the Bundaberg Airport and local support will likely be based out of the existing Army Reserve training depot on Quay Street.

“Other properties surrounding and throughout Bundaberg may also be used to support the exercise scenario however these will be limited to existing facilities in urban, industrial or rural settings in areas that are already developed where no natural values would be affected by the nature or intensity of activity,” the report says.

According to, the MV-22 Osprey is the primary assault support aircraft for the US Marine Corps. It was fielded to replace the CH-46 Sea Knight helicopter and has been deployed to support troops in combat since 2007.

“The Osprey is unique in that it uses two engines positioned on fixed wing tips housed in nacelles that rotate to allow the MV-22 to land and take off vertically, but achieve much faster flight than a helicopter by tilting the nacelles forward while in flight in a configuration similar to a fixed-wing aircraft,” the website says.

“With the speed and range of a turboprop, the manoeuvrability of a helicopter and the ability to carry 24 Marine combat troops twice as fast and five times further than previous helicopters, the Osprey enhances Marine assault operations.”

Comments on the environmental report can be submitted to