Hinkler Central has lodged plans to expand the shopping centre to offer health care services in a new Hinkler Medical wing.
If approved, the application would provide a new pharmacy, medical centre and modified retail tenancies.
Bundaberg Regional Council planning and development spokesperson Cr Ross Sommerfeld said the proposed Hinkler Medical expansion would be located opposite Coles and fronting Electra Street.
“This proposal would create three new tenancies for what is one of Bundaberg’s major shopping centres,” Cr Sommerfeld said.
“Hinkler Medical would incorporate a medical centre and pharmacy in addition to an additional retail space.
“The proposal also details plans to reconfigure existing tenancies for new specialty shops.
“The extension would completely change the face of the centre on the northern side where the taxi rank is currently located.
“The applicant believes the designs lodged for approval would contribute to a vibrant and active street and improve the character of the building.”
Hinkler Medical expansion plans
The new area would add an additional 1368 square metres to Hinkler Central’s ground floor area.
Of that space the pharmacy would make up 700 m2 and the medical centre 350 m2.
Cr Sommerfeld said to accommodate the expansion, the taxi rank and a number of parking spaces would be removed.
“A total of 26 car parks are proposed to be removed to make way for the Hinkler Medical expansion.
“The applicant believes this will leave an adequate amount of parking available for shoppers, taking the centre to a reduced total of 1026 parks.
“As part of the application Hinkler Central has provided an analysis of parking survey data which they say shows a sufficient amount of parking will be provided.”
The Hinkler Medical expansion application is now with Council for assessment.

About Hinkler Central
Hinkler Central is a major shopping centre located in the Bundaberg CBD.
In addition to a number of retail and food and drink shops the centre features anchor tenants Woolworths, Coles and Kmart.
Wow, that would be amazing.
Will this include Bulk Billing?
I agree we need to improve medical services in the Bundaberg region however, I would suggest an improvement to our Mental Health services be considered. I have contacted our Regional Councillors and Federal & State Members for Parliament along with Health Ministers at State and Federal level. These facilities will improve employment and meet the needs of our community.
Re: Expansion of Hinkler Central for a Medical wing. There is definitely NOT enough car parking space for shoppers now. Taking away 26 car spaces & the Taxi Rank will not help. A parking analysis should be taken by a private company, & not Hinkler Central, who are obviously biased.
Wonderful idea. A lovely new medical centre for Hinkler Central. And pray tell us, will there be any doctors to staff it, or is it a matter of shifting the ones already here around to make it look as if we have more doctors. It would also be a huge plus if we had doctors fluent in English so we can understand them, and more importantly they can understand us. It would also be great to get an appointment sooner than a week away when sick, and have enough doctors to open the See St surgery again in Bargara instead of having to travel into town. Methinks the current situation needs to be fixed. Just saying.
Given the current medical situation in Bundaberg, the proposed medical centre could be substantiated sooner rather than later.
There is not enough parking spaces in and around the Hinkler Centre now. In school holidays and public holidays it is very busy. Ambulance and disability parks will take up space and the 26 car parks to be taken away will be needed.
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