Vanderfield Bundaberg serves the agricultural sector and its workforce strives to maintain close community connections..
Vanderfield is a family company which has been serving the agricultural industry in Australia for over 50 years in various townships including Toowoomba, Bundaberg, Warwick and more.
“At Vanderfield we sell a range of agricultural products; our main product is the John Deere Brand,” Vanderfield’s Allan Cooper said.
“We sell the full range of John Deere agricultural and turf equipment including a range of products to suit our local needs.
“The Bundaberg site is fairly large and we have a workforce of about 26 from people in spare parts, reception, service admin, service techs and apprentices.”
The agricultural machinery supplier not only strives to service the region’s farmers. According to Allan, the team at Vanderfiled Bundaberg also have a close connection to the community.
“We are very mindful of the community,” Allan said.
“Bundaberg is a fantastic place. We have good education, good schools, it is a great place to live, well serviced and is a great place to bring up children.”
As part of their commitment to the region, last year the Bundaberg team made some pretty epic donations to help out those who were in need.
“The staff here donated half their annual Christmas party funds to the drought appeal,” Allan said.
“They also donated their Christmas bonus to local charities.”
It’s that positive attitude for the community which has made for a great team environment at the local business, with many of Vanderfield’s employees sticking around for the long haul.
“We have a lot of long-term employees; I think people like working here,” Allan laughed.
“We have a gentlemen here that has been in parts and in different phases of the business for about 27 years. We have another gentlemen who has been here for about 25 years and so on.

“We look after our staff and look after our customers, we like to go the extra mile.”
To find out more about Vanderfield Bundaberg click here.
- Other business stories: Bundaberg avocados a smashing success