Bundaberg Region libraries will reopen their doors from Monday next week as Coronavirus restrictions ease around the state.
But before you plan a trip to gather some library books, Council is reminding residents only a limited amount of people will be allowed in the library at any one time.
Manager of Library Services Peta Browne said social distancing measures would still apply and only 10 people would be able to access Bundaberg Library at once.
“While we are absolutely thrilled that we can once again open the library doors, we are still urging residents to adhere to the restrictions and social-distancing rules,” she said.
“There will be security at each of our libraries to make sure a limited number of people are inside.
“We ask that visitors make their stay short so other people are also able to access the library in a quick and efficient manner.”

Peta said the reopening would facilitate book borrowing for now, with other resources to be made available when restrictions were further lifted.
“Our libraries will be open for borrowing and returning only until further notice,” she said.
“There will be restrictions on the services available including WIFI and computer use.”
Peta said while each of the region’s libraries- in Gin Gin, Childers, Bundaberg and Woodgate– would reopen, they would have their own set of restrictions for visitors to abide by.
“Not all branches may be operating in the same manner as things are adjusted to suit staffing levels and building size,” she said.
“We anticipate opening hours will be fairly normal although customers should expect some small changes.”
Find out more about Library reopening information here.
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I always wondered why people couldn’t pre order books either on line or by phone during in lock down & then collect them through a window or something. I guess you all would have thought of that