Individuals and organisations doing their bit to keep the region’s community spaces clean can now apply for free waste disposal at Council facilities.
Bundaberg Regional Council Enforcement portfolio spokesperson Cr May Mitchell said the waste disposal fee waiver application was made available for clean-ups of large amounts of litter or illegal dumping from public areas.
“As a Council we are certainly aware of a number of individuals, groups and organisations that are extremely passionate about the environment and keeping natural areas and waterways clean,” Cr Mitchell said.
“Council, and I’m sure the wider community, is very appreciative that these proactive people are helping to keep our region beautiful.”
Cr Mitchell said to be eligible for the fee waiver, the individual or group needed to meet certain criteria, must collect the waste from public land and hold a suitable level of public liability insurance or be registered through Clean Up Australia, which provides public liability insurance.
By providing fee waivers at waste facilities Bundaberg Regional Council is absorbing the cost of processing and disposal.
Waste and Recycling portfolio spokesperson Cr Tanya McLoughlin said many community members would be aware of the support Council offered for Clean Up Australia Day but may not be aware that the community can organise one-off Clean Up Australia events all year-round.
“Residents can find a site and register for Clean Up Australia any day of the year which allows them to initiate a clean-up event while also protecting themselves and other participants through Clean Up Australia’s insurance.”
Cr McLoughlin said removing rubbish from the environment could also have flow-on benefits.
“If the material that is collected during clean-up events is sorted and disposed of appropriately, we also see valuable resources placed back into the production cycle and able to be reused.
“Our waste and recycling team can provide advice on the best way to sort waste types to maximise recycling.
“All loads presented to waste facilities under the fee waiver agreement are inspected prior to disposal.”
While Council welcomed community assistance in identifying and cleaning up illegal dumping sites, Cr Mitchell said it was important that the appropriate process was still followed.
“Anyone who wants to clean-up an area which is subject to illegal dumping, first needs to report it to Council for investigation prior to starting the clean-up and making an application for a waste disposal fee waiver,” Cr Mitchell said.
“Illegal dumping is a serious offence, due to the volume of materials disposed of, and often it is possible to identify and charge offenders a $2000 fine.
“Illegal dumping is materials which exceed 200 litres, which is essentially more than a wheelie bin full of waste.
“If you are interested in organising a site clean-up then contact Council’s Illegal Dumping team and they will assist with the Clean-up Australia registration details, the fee waiver process and can provide other advice and assistance,” Cr Mitchell said
For more information, to apply or for the full terms and conditions on the waste disposal fee waiver for clean-up events or activities on public property, head to Council’s website.
how big of the council to waive dump the fees for locals doing the Councils job for them! Have they considered lowering the dump fees so locals on low income can afford to go to the dump or even a couple of “Well Advertised” weekends where all dump fees for private individuals were waived. People don’t illegally dump just because they are lazy, I am sure that the costs of cleaning up illegal dumping (when the council does it – not the rest us the ratepayers)are costing more than a reduction or relaxing of fees would. But then when you spend 1.4 Million dollars per year for a “Free website” to self promote ( See report in Bundaberg Today for full details of this expense), its probably a priority to claw more money from ratepayers to pay for “Essential Services”.
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