Support for local pensioners will be doubled with Bundaberg Regional Council’s “cost of living budget” set to see an increase to the pensioner rates rebate.
Ahead of its formal adoption on Tuesday 27 June, Mayor Jack Dempsey said Council’s proposed 2023-24 budget incorporated an increase to the pensioner rates rebate to $330 per eligible household.
He said good financial management had ensured more support could be provided to vulnerable residents in these uncertain times.
“Doubling the pensioner rates rebate to $330, coupled with the high number of eligible ratepayers in the community, will see Council offer one of the highest rebates in the state in terms of the percentage of general rates which we are now giving back to our community,” he said.
“This increase ensures that valuable support reaches the most vulnerable members of our region, offering them the assistance they need during these challenging times.”
Financial Services portfolio spokesperson Cr Steve Cooper said the increase to the pensioner rates rebate was one of the many ways Council was delivering a “cost of living budget”.
“Thanks to prudent financial management, Council is well-prepared to address the current economic conditions, which are affecting not only the Bundaberg Region but also the global community,” he said.
“Despite these challenges, we remain committed to providing essential services and constructing community infrastructure that will have a lasting impact for future generations.
“This commitment demonstrates our dedication to building a strong foundation for the community’s prosperity while recognising the struggles faced by our residents.”
Council rates rebate applies to ratepayers on the following concessions who have previously applied for support:
- Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card
- Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card
- Department of Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession Card
- Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card TPI
If eligible ratepayers have yet to apply for a rebate, they can do so via the Bundaberg Regional Council website here.
Bundaberg Regional Council’s 2023-24 budget will be adopted in a special meeting on Tuesday 27 June.
More news: Heritage property support proposed
some inducement after what has been destroyed
Just catching up with many other qld councils
Do pensoniers that rent get the rebate
I think the council is doing a pretty good job.i have seen ( not in our coastel town)more things happening under this mayor and his team,than I had seen by my councils before around bundaberg.
Still nuthing for DSP recipients…yet my morgage is STILL RIZIÑG