Twelve roads between Moore Park Beach and Wallaville are the next in line for Bundaberg Regional Council’s annual road rehabilitation program.
Contractor Berajondo Earthmoving and Haulage will be working on the roads over coming weeks, having already completed the first 12 roads in the program.
Bundaberg Regional Council roads and drainage portfolio spokesperson Cr Bill Trevor said the rehabilitation work was part of an important maintenance program.
“Every year roads are prioritised for repair and nominated to form part of the road rehabilitation program,” Cr Trevor said.
“With about 2000km of sealed roads to maintain, in addition to our unsealed roads, this program is essential to maintaining the integrity of our extensive road network.
“The completed project, over 24 roads and some 30 sites, will see cement stabilisation and bitumen resurfacing undertaken on about 170,000 sq m of road pavement.”
October road rehabilitation works:
Planned road rehabilitation works:
- Bluegum Road, Bucca
- Honeyflower Court, Bucca
- Waratah Court, Bucca
- Waterlily Road, Bucca
- Reads Road, Bucca
- Maiseys Road, Yandaran
- Avondale Road, Avondale
- Booyan Road, Moore Park Beach
- Woods Road, Sharon
- Cloyne-Pratts Road, Drinan
- Ferry Hills Road, St Kilda
- Clarke Innes Road, Wallaville
Cr Trevor said the work was scheduled to be completed by the end of November but was currently progressing ahead of schedule.
“At this stage our contractor is looking to finish the entire program about two weeks early, weather and unforeseen circumstances permitting.”
The road rehabilitation works are expected to be carried out between the hours of 6am and 6pm, Monday to Saturday.
“Access to private properties adjoining the work areas will be maintained during the construction period,” Cr Trevor said.
“Residents can expect changes to traffic conditions during this time, and minor delays may be experienced.
“Council is aware of the inconvenience construction work causes and thanks businesses, residents and road users in advance for their patience and cooperation.”