HomeCouncilWork to improve safety at Three Chain Road

Work to improve safety at Three Chain Road

The Three Chain Road project has been identified in Council’s Road Investment Strategy and would extend on previous widening and sealing work.

Bundaberg Regional Council will soon begin upgrading the road pavement along Three Chain Road and sections of Hummock Road, Woongarra to improve safety in the area.

Roads and drainage portfolio spokesperson Cr Bill Trevor said the project had been identified in Council’s Road Investment Strategy and would extend on previous widening and sealing work.

“Sealing this next section of Three Chain Road will provide a consistent surface and additional width for vehicles to safely travel along,” he said.

“This project will dramatically reduce maintenance costs which was a major problem with Three Chain Road remaining unsealed.”

Cr Trevor said the work would also include an upgrade to the Hummock Road intersection and the northern approach of Hummock Road to the Three Chain intersection.

“This project contributes to Council’s commitment in providing safe and well-maintained road infrastructure within the region to assist with our current and future needs,” he said.

“During construction, sections of the roads will be closed and subject to traffic management measures and will have appropriate signage to guide motorists through or around the site.

“Bundaberg Regional Council is aware of the inconvenience construction work causes and thanks residents and road users in advance for their patience and cooperation.”

Work is planned to commence mid- January and will be undertaken weekdays, during the hours of 6.30 am and 5 pm.

Weather permitting, work will be completed within four months.

The project is funded by the Federal Government’s Roads to Recovery Program.



  1. Why does the council not connect Three Chain Road all the way through from Goodwood Road to Elliott Heads Road and upgrade the surface to sealed all the way through. This would enable traffic from and to the south from access Elloitt Heads and north with a reduction in traffic on Elliott Heads Road overall. Sections need to be straightened as a significant proportion of the traffic would be caravan and RV traffic. The current complicated access to Elliott Heads is a barrier to the use of the southern beach areas from the direction of greatest utilisation.

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