A number of streets in coastal suburbs have been highlighted for asphalt resurfacing works as part of a region-wide program to enhance local roads.
Bundaberg Regional Council has appointed Boral Asphalt to undertake the works which will be carried out from now until the end of June, weather permitting.
The first round of works will begin this week in Burnett Heads and Bargara.
They include:
- Beachmore Street
- Johnson Street
- McCavanagh Street
- Birchdale Drive
- Davidson Street
- Emma Lee Court
- Fairway Drive
- Dunk Street
Acting Mayor and roads and drainage portfolio spokesperson Cr Bill Trevor said once completed, the asphalt resurfacing works would provide a new, smooth surface for road users.
“The scope of these works will involve profiling out the old service then applying a new asphalt wearing course,” he said.
Acting Mayor Cr Trevor said construction would take place between the hours of 6.30 am to 5 pm and may also include some night works, in which residents will be notified of.
“Due to the nature of the works, road closures will be in place,” he said.
“We apologise in advance for any inconvenience that this work will cause although we anticipate that disruption will be minimal.”
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what about avoca service road edges in bad state
I notice that on some streets that the road is sealed from gutter to gutter but in and around the Sandhills Bowling Club Whalley and Grimwood Streets ( which have a lot of traffic because of the Club, beach and shopping centre access) the roads have only been patched and large areas remain unsealed. It is quite confusing when you are approaching the shopping centre from Whalley when you meet a car coming in the opposite direction and you have to leave the bitumen and drive on the grass. I know the Council mows these areas on occassion but that leaves the residents to mow the Council road when it becomes overgrown. Surely over the years it would be a cost saving to have all the road sealed.