Calling all young singer songwriters interested in free development opportunities while landing paid gigs!
Bundaberg Regional Council is seeking expressions of interest for a new busking initiative which aims to support young musicians, and in particular those that write original music.
Arts, Culture and Events portfolio spokesperson Cr John Learmonth said it was a unique opportunity for young musos to hone their craft and gain exposure.
“We’re asking interested young, emerging performers to nominate for this fantastic opportunity,” Cr Learmonth said.
“Anyone aged between 15 and 25 who would class themselves as an emerging musician is welcome to apply.
“Singing songwriters are our main focus for this program, with applications from musicians interested in creating original music highly regarded.”
Council busking initiative to boost skills
He said musicians accepted into the busking project could boost their skills and focus on professional development.
“This development opportunity will also include some guaranteed paid jobs, including Council’s major events.
“Council aims to deliver an opportunity, that may otherwise not be available in our region, to showcase young musicians and offer them a platform to showcase their original music.
“With tens of thousands of people attending our famous Childers Festival alone, this is a wonderful opportunity for an emerging artist to get a high level of exposure and experience.
“Successful applicants will work with project coordinators to showcase their performance talents, network with likeminded people, attend free workshops with professionals, work within the industry and fast track their career pathway.”

Successful applicants are required to be available from July.
Council is also accepting applications for a Young Project Coordinator.
To find out more or submit an expression of interest, head to Council’s website.
This project is supported by the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland.