![Our Stories Our Places](https://www.bundabergnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/2023_Heritage-Building_137-Bourbong-Street-Bundaberg_002-1024x683.jpg)
The $100,000 Our Stories Our Places grant fund has been established to support conservation works on local heritage places and main street commercial character buildings.
The Bundaberg Regional Council initiative, announced as part of Council’s 2023-24 budget, has been developed to support private owners of eligible heritage and character places.
The Our Stories Our Places grants will see Council contribute up to 50%, dollar for dollar, towards eligible conservation works up to a maximum contribution by Council of $10,000 per project.
Mayor Jack Dempsey said applications for the Our Stories Our Places grant program would open on 1 September 2023.
“There are many buildings within our region that, through their architecture and heritage value, help to tell our community’s stories,” Mayor Dempsey said.
“By maintaining these buildings we’re preserving our community’s unique history and spirit, but it can also come with an added cost burden.
“Council is committed to partnering with property owners to support the upkeep of these beautiful buildings and streetscapes which are much-loved by residents and much-admired by visitors.”
The Childers Chamber of Commerce welcomed the availability of funding when it was announced, after meeting with Council in November 2022 to discuss the possibility of a heritage incentive scheme being introduced.
Eligible properties for Our Stories Our Places funding include:
- Local heritage places as identified within the Bundaberg Regional Council Planning Scheme
- Heritage places and commercial properties located within the main street commercial character areas in Bundaberg and Childers
The mapped main street commercial character areas of Bundaberg and Childers generally reflect the commercial character areas identified within the planning scheme, modified to include state heritage places.
State heritage places are only eligible for the grant where they locate within these mapped main street commercial character areas.
Publicly owned buildings are not proposed to be eligible for funding under this program.
Subject to the availability of funding, applications will be accepted on an on-going basis within the application period which closes 31 May 2024.
For more information click here.