Work starts on eroded beach access points

WORKS TO BEGIN: Woodgate Beach erosion.
Works to repair Woodgate Beach erosion are beginning today.

Significantly eroded access points along Woodgate Beach will be the target of Council remedial work commencing today.

Divisional representative Cr Bill Trevor said two beach access points at Barramundi Drive at the southern end of Woodgate Beach will be addressed through the trial mitigation work.

“Severe erosion from naturally occurring tidal conditions has caused a significant loss of casuarinas in the area as well as resulting in the creation of a steep bank from the pathways to the beach,” he said.

“This particular area has quite a deal of beach traffic, notably at holiday times as there are numerous holiday rental properties in the area.

“The erosion of the bank has also created quite a dangerous situation and Council will endeavour to ensure the repairs will result in safe access onto, and egress from the beach.”

Woodgate Beach access.
Woodgate Beach access.

Cr Trevor said staff would incorporate the strategic placement of sand filled geo-fabric bags in an endeavour to address wave action.

Further up the access points materials to combat erosion caused through foot traffic would also be installed.

“This process is very much on a trial basis and we believe there will be long term lessons from this exercise which may inform future similar remediation work,” Cr Trevor said.

“The work is expected to take around two weeks to complete and the construction site will be fenced off.

“With heavy machinery operating in the area beach-goers are requested to keep clear of the work zone.”

Woodgate erosion
Council received the Woodgate Shoreline Erosion Management Plan earlier this year.