A range of intersection improvements have been funded in the region by the Australian Government’s 2023/2024 Black Spot Program after submissions made by Bundaberg Regional Council.
The Black Spot Program is an Australian Government funded program providing funding for low-cost, high-benefit improvements on the road network addressing locations with historically high crash rates or have identified safety issues.
The program is administered by the Department of Transport and Main Roads on behalf of the Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communication.
Council Roads and Drainage portfolio spokesperson Cr Bill Trevor said he was pleased that four Council submissions had been successful under the program.
“The Black Spot Program identifies locations with a crash history or at which there is a risk of a crash occurring,” Deputy Mayor Bill Trevor said.
“There are thousands of kilometers of roads and hundreds of intersections in our region to maintain.
“Being granted this funding means Council can bring these important safety improvements forward.
“It also demonstrates the importance of different levels of government collaborating to deliver essential infrastructure.”
Black Spot Program works will include
Targo Street / Burnett Street intersection: This project will construct a raised central median along Targo Street, new tactile surface indicators to pedestrian ramps and other minor upgrades, to reduce crash exposure by preventing through and right turn movements at the intersection.
Johanna Boulevard / Commercial Street Intersection: This project will install a raised safety platforms on each approach, reconstruct and extend centre medians, install new signage and reconstruct the kerb ramps and roundabout to ensure vehicles approach the roundabout at a safe speed to reduce the risk of fatal or serious injury.
Commercial Street / Production Street Intersection: This project will construct a raised intersection, install new Give Way signage and tactile ground surface indicators which will reduce all vehicle speeds through the intersection thereby reducing the risk of fatal or serious injury.
Bourbong Street / O’Connell Street Intersection: This project will reduce crash exposure by improving visibility and recognition of the four way intersection. It will construct a raised concrete median on the southern approach and a painted chevron median on the northern approach, along with signage improvements, kerb extensions, and other minor upgrades.
The Our Bundaberg Region website now features a page dedicated to the Black Spot Program.
It details the improvements planned for each location.
View the page and Bundaberg Regional Council’s successful Black Spot Program submissions here.
Yes Targo st is horrendous. However it’s not hard to avoid as a motorist. But the upgrade will be like the walker/water st intersection where people will go straight ahead anyway or turn when not suppose to, right in fron of police too and no naughty bit of paper. Crazy
I mean the town is getting busier and the roads just weren’t built to handle the traffic now.