Eligible pensioners in the Bundaberg Region are reminded to apply for reductions to their Council property rates before 9 July 2020.
Bundaberg Regional Council’s Organisational Services portfolio spokesman Cr Steve Cooper said pensioners who qualified for the rates remission were entitled to a State Government funded 20 per cent reduction up to a maximum of $200 per year and a fixed Council reduction of $165 per year.
A rebate of 20 per cent is also available on the State imposed Emergency Management Levy.
“These concessions represent an important discount for our pensioners and Council wants to ensure that every eligible pensioner receives their fair entitlement,” Cr Cooper said.
“Any pensioner who has previously received, and is still eligible to receive a rebate, need not re-apply to Council unless their circumstances have changed.”
Cr Cooper said pensioners could check their eligibility status by contacting Council’s Revenue Section on 1300 883 699.
Pensioners are advised to check their pension card details and ensure they update their information with Centrelink or Veterans Affairs if necessary. All applicants are required to produce their concession cards when applying for the remission.
Applications for the rebate need to be lodged by Thursday, 9 July 2020 for the remission to be applied to their next rates notice. Applications received after this date will not show on your next rate notice but can still be manually applied to 31 December 2020.
Forms to apply for the rebate are available at Council service centres in Bundaberg, Bargara, Childers and Gin Gin or on Council’s website at bundaberg.qld.gov.au.
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